Class AnimatedModelSpaceComponent

Inheritance Relationships

Base Types

Class Documentation

class AnimatedModelSpaceComponent : public csp::multiplayer::ComponentBase, public csp::multiplayer::ITransformComponent, public csp::multiplayer::IVisibleComponent, public csp::multiplayer::IExternalResourceComponent, public csp::multiplayer::IThirdPartyComponentRef, public csp::multiplayer::IShadowCasterComponent

Adds animated skeletal meshes to a SpaceEntity.

These are used for objects that need to move or act within the space, such as characters or animated props. This component makes it possible to play, pause, or loop animations.

Public Functions

AnimatedModelSpaceComponent(SpaceEntity *Parent)

Constructs the animated model space component, and associates it with the specified Parent space entity.


Parent – The Space entity that owns this component.

virtual const csp::common::String &GetExternalResourceAssetId() const override

Gets the ID for the asset used to store external data for this component.


csp::common::String : The asset ID.

virtual void SetExternalResourceAssetId(const csp::common::String &Value) override

Sets the ID for the asset used to store external data for this component.


InValuecsp::common::String : The new value.

virtual const csp::common::String &GetExternalResourceAssetCollectionId() const override

Gets the ID of the asset collection associated with this component.


To retrieve this component’s animated asset, both the Asset ID and the Asset Collection ID are required.


The ID of the asset collection associated with this component.

virtual void SetExternalResourceAssetCollectionId(const csp::common::String &Value) override

Sets the ID of the asset collection associated with this component.


To retrieve this component’s animated asset, both the Asset ID and the Asset Collection ID are required.


Value – The ID of the asset collection associated with this component.

bool GetIsLoopPlayback() const

Checks if the animation of this animated model is in loop.


True if the animation of this animated model loops (i.e. restarts from the beginning on end), false otherwise.

void SetIsLoopPlayback(bool Value)

Establishes if the animation of this animated model is in loop.


Value – True if the animation of this animated model will loop (i.e. restarts from the beginning on end), false otherwise.

bool GetIsPlaying() const

Checks if the animation of this animated model is playing.


True if the animation of this animated is playing, false otherwise.

void SetIsPlaying(bool Value)

Establishes if the animation of this animated model is playing.


Value – True if the animation of this animated model is playing, false otherwise.

int64_t GetAnimationIndex() const

Gets the index of the currently active animation.


The index of the currently active animation.

void SetAnimationIndex(int64_t Value)

Sets the index of the currently active animation.


The index of the currently active animation.

csp::common::Map<csp::common::String, csp::common::String> GetMaterialOverrides() const

Gets the material overrides of this component.

Should be in the format: Key = Path to the model Value = The material id


The material overrides on this component.

void AddMaterialOverride(const csp::common::String &ModelPath, const csp::common::String &MaterialAssetId)

Adds a new material override to this component.

  • The – path to the models material to override.

  • The – id of the material to override with.

void RemoveMaterialOverride(const csp::common::String &ModelPath)

Removes a material override from this component.


The – path to the models material to override to be removed.