Class EventTicketingSystem
Defined in File EventTicketingSystem.h
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
public csp::systems::SystemBase
(Class SystemBase)
Class Documentation
class EventTicketingSystem : public csp::systems::SystemBase
System that allows creation and management of ticketed events for spaces.
Public Functions
void CreateTicketedEvent(const csp::common::String &SpaceId, EventTicketingVendor Vendor, const csp::common::String &VendorEventId, const csp::common::String &VendorEventUri, bool IsTicketingActive, TicketedEventResultCallback Callback)
Creates a ticketed event for the given space.
- Parameters
SpaceId – csp::common::String : ID of the space to create the event for.
Vendor – csp::systems::EventTicketingVendor : Enum representing the vendor that the event is created with.
VendorEventId – csp::common::String : Specifies the event ID in the vendors system.
VendorEventUri – csp::common::String : Specifies the URI for the event in the vendors system.
IsTicketingActive – bool : Specifies whether ticketing is currently active for this event.
Callback – TicketedEventResultCallback : Callback providing the TicketedEvent once created.
void UpdateTicketedEvent(const csp::common::String &SpaceId, const csp::common::String &EventId, const csp::common::Optional<EventTicketingVendor> &Vendor, const csp::common::Optional<csp::common::String> &VendorEventId, const csp::common::Optional<csp::common::String> &VendorEventUri, const csp::common::Optional<bool> &IsTicketingActive, TicketedEventResultCallback Callback)
Updates a ticketed event in the given space.
All parameters should be provided even if they are not new values. Empty values will overwrite existing values to be empty.
- Parameters
SpaceId – csp::common::String : ID of the space the event belongs to.
EventId – csp::common::String : ID of the Event to update.
Vendor – csp::systems::EventTicketingVendor : Optional enum representing the vendor that the event should be updated with.
VendorEventId – csp::common::String : Optional value to update the event ID in the vendors system with.
VendorEventUri – csp::common::String : Optional value to update the URI for the event in the vendors system with.
IsTicketingActive – bool : Optional value to update whether ticketing is currently active for this event.
Callback – TicketedEventResultCallback : Callback providing the TicketedEvent once created.
void GetTicketedEvents(const csp::common::Array<csp::common::String> &SpaceIds, const csp::common::Optional<int> &Skip, const csp::common::Optional<int> &Limit, TicketedEventCollectionResultCallback Callback)
Creates a ticketed event for the given space.
- Parameters
SpaceIds – csp::common::Array<csp::common::String> : IDs of the spaces to get the events for.
Skip – csp::common::Optional<int> : Optional number of results that will be skipped from the result.
Limit – csp::common::Optional<int> : Optional maximum number of results to be retrieved.
Callback – TicketedEventCollectionResultCallback : Callback providing the TicketedEvents for the space.
void SubmitEventTicket(const csp::common::String &SpaceId, EventTicketingVendor Vendor, const csp::common::String &VendorEventId, const csp::common::String &VendorTicketId, const csp::common::Optional<csp::common::String> &OnBehalfOfUserId, EventTicketResultCallback Callback)
Submits a ticket from a vendor for the given event.
- Parameters
SpaceId – csp::common::String : ID of the space the event belongs to.
Vendor – csp::systems::EventTicketingVendor : Enum representing the vendor that the event is created with.
VendorEventId – csp::common::String : Specifies the event ID in the vendors system.
VendorTicketId – csp::common::String : Specifies the ticket ID in the vendors system.
OnBehalfOfUserId – csp::common::Optional<csp::common::String> : Optionally submit the ticket for another user. Requires super user permissions.
Callback – EventTicketResultCallback : Callback providing the TicketedEvent once created.
void GetVendorAuthorizeInfo(EventTicketingVendor Vendor, const csp::common::String &UserId, TicketedEventVendorAuthorizeInfoCallback Callback)
Looks up the basic info required by a client to initiate an oauth2 flow with the specified vendor.
- Parameters
Vendor – EventTicketingVendor : The vendor type to retrieve info for.
UserId – csp::common::String : The ID of the user to obtain authentication info for.
Callback – TicketedEventVendorInfoResultCallback : Callback providing the oauth2 information.
void GetIsSpaceTicketed(const csp::common::String &SpaceId, SpaceIsTicketedResultCallback Callback)
Gets the ticketed status of a space given by ID.
- Parameters
SpaceId – const csp::common::String& : The space ID to check the status for.
Callback – SpaceIsTicketedResultCallback : Callback providing the result of the query.
void CreateTicketedEvent(const csp::common::String &SpaceId, EventTicketingVendor Vendor, const csp::common::String &VendorEventId, const csp::common::String &VendorEventUri, bool IsTicketingActive, TicketedEventResultCallback Callback)