Class UserSystem
Defined in File UserSystem.h
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
public csp::systems::SystemBase
(Class SystemBase)
Class Documentation
class UserSystem : public csp::systems::SystemBase
Public facing system that allows interfacing with Magnopus Connected Services’ user service.
Offers methods for creating accounts, authenticating, and retrieving user profiles.
Public Types
typedef std::function<void(const csp::multiplayer::UserPermissionsParams&)> UserPermissionsChangedCallbackHandler
Public Functions
const LoginState &GetLoginState() const
Get the current login state.
- Returns
LoginState : Current login state
void SetNewLoginTokenReceivedCallback(LoginTokenInfoResultCallback Callback)
Sets a callback that will get fired when the login token has changed as a result of logging in with credentials or with a token or after the Connected Spaces Platform internal system has refreshed the session.
In the callback result the token and it’s expiration time will be provided. The expiration time is in OSI format {Year}-{Month}-{Date}T{Hour}:{Min}:{Sec} For C#: register a callback to the OnNewLoginTokenReceived event
- Parameters
Callback – LoginTokenInfoResultCallback : callback that gets called as described above
void Login(const csp::common::String &UserName, const csp::common::String &Email, const csp::common::String &Password, const csp::common::Optional<bool> &UserHasVerifiedAge, LoginStateResultCallback Callback)
Log in to Magnopus Connected Services services using a username-password or email-password combination.
- Parameters
UserName – csp::common::String
Email – csp::common::String
Password – csp::common::String
UserHasVerifiedAge – csp::common::Optional<bool> : An optional bool to specify whether or not the user has verified that they are over 18
Callback – LoginStateResultCallback : callback to call when a response is received
void LoginWithRefreshToken(const csp::common::String &UserId, const csp::common::String &RefreshToken, LoginStateResultCallback Callback)
Resume a previous session for the associated user ID using a refresh token The refresh token can be obtained after registering a callback with
and logging in regularly.- Parameters
UserId – csp::common::String : User ID for the previous session
RefreshToken – csp::common::String : Refresh token to be used for refreshing the authentication token
Callback – LoginStateResultCallback : Callback when asynchronous task finishes
void LoginAsGuest(const csp::common::Optional<bool> &UserHasVerifiedAge, LoginStateResultCallback Callback)
Log in to Magnopus Connected Services as a guest.
- Parameters
UserHasVerifiedAge – csp::common::Optional<bool> : An optional bool to specify whether or not the user has verified that they are over 18
Callback – LoginStateResultCallback : callback to call when a response is received
csp::common::Array<EThirdPartyAuthenticationProviders> GetSupportedThirdPartyAuthenticationProviders() const
As a Connected Spaces Platform user the 3rd party authentication flow consists of two steps, first calling GetThirdPartyProviderAuthoriseURL followed by LoginToThirdPartyAuthenticationProvider You can see a Sequence Diagram with all the parties involved including what a Client should be calling and when here
API to retrieve the Connected Spaces Platform supported 3rd party authentication providers
- Returns
Array of Connected Spaces Platform supported 3rd party authentication providers
void GetThirdPartyProviderAuthoriseURL(EThirdPartyAuthenticationProviders AuthProvider, const csp::common::String &RedirectURL, StringResultCallback Callback)
First step of the 3rd party authentication flow If you call this API but for some reason you’d like to call this again, this is supported, the params you pass second time will replace the ones you’ve passed initially.
- Parameters
AuthProvider – EThirdPartyAuthenticationProviders : one of the supported Authentication Providers
RedirectURL – csp::common::String : the RedirectURL you want to be used for this authentication flow
Callback – StringResultCallback : callback that contains the Authorise URL that the Client should be navigating next before moving to the second Connected Spaces Platform Authentication step
void LoginToThirdPartyAuthenticationProvider(const csp::common::String &ThirdPartyToken, const csp::common::String &ThirdPartyStateId, const csp::common::Optional<bool> &UserHasVerifiedAge, LoginStateResultCallback Callback)
Second step of the 3rd party authentication flow Note: The Authentication Provider and the Redirect URL you’ve passed in the first step will be used now.
- Parameters
ThirdPartyToken – csp::common::String : The authentication token returned by the Provider
ThirdPartyStateId – csp::common::String : The state Id returned by the Provider
UserHasVerifiedAge – csp::common::Optional<bool> : An optional bool to specify whether or not the user has verified that they are over 18
Callback – LoginStateResultCallback : callback that contains the result of the Magnopus Connected Services Authentication operation
void Logout(NullResultCallback Callback)
Logout from Magnopus Connected Services.
- Parameters
Callback – NullResultCallback : callback to call when a response is received
void CreateUser(const csp::common::Optional<csp::common::String> &UserName, const csp::common::Optional<csp::common::String> &DisplayName, const csp::common::String &Email, const csp::common::String &Password, bool ReceiveNewsletter, bool UserHasVerifiedAge, const csp::common::Optional<csp::common::String> &RedirectUrl, const csp::common::Optional<csp::common::String> &InviteToken, ProfileResultCallback Callback)
Creates a new user profile.
- Parameters
UserName – csp::common::Optional<csp::common::String> : user name associated with the new profile
DisplayName – csp::common::Optional<csp::common::String> : user display name associated with the new profile
Email – csp::common::String : email address associated with the new profile
Password – csp::common::String : password associated with the new profile
ReceiveNewsletter – bool :
if the user wants to receive the Magnopus Connected Services newsletterUserHasVerifiedAge – csp::common::Optional<bool> : An optional bool to specify whether or not the user has verified that they are over 18
RedirectUrl – csp::common::Optional<csp::common::String> : the URL to redirect the user to after they have registered
InviteToken – csp::common::Optional<csp::common::String> : A token provided to the user that can be used to auto-confirm their account
Callback – ProfileResultCallback : callback when asynchronous task finishes
void UpgradeGuestAccount(const csp::common::String &UserName, const csp::common::String &DisplayName, const csp::common::String &Email, const csp::common::String &Password, ProfileResultCallback Callback)
Upgrade guest user to full user profile.
- Parameters
UserName – csp::common::String : user name associated with the new profile
DisplayName – csp::common::String : user display name associated with the new profile
Email – csp::common::String : email address associated with the new profile
Password – csp::common::String : password associated with the new profile
Callback – ProfileResultCallback : callback when asynchronous task finishes
void ConfirmUserEmail(NullResultCallback Callback)
Send a confirmation email.
- Parameters
Callback – NullResultCallback : callback to call when a response is received
void ResetUserPassword(const csp::common::String &Token, const csp::common::String &UserId, const csp::common::String &NewPassword, NullResultCallback Callback)
Reset the users password.
- Parameters
Token – csp::common::String : Token received through email by user
UserId – csp::common::String : The id of the user resetting their password
NewPassword – csp::common::String : The new password for the associated account
Callback – NullResultCallback : callback to call when a response is received
void UpdateUserDisplayName(const csp::common::String &UserId, const csp::common::String &NewUserDisplayName, NullResultCallback Callback)
Updates the user display name information.
- Parameters
UserId – csp::common::String : id of the user that will be updated
NewUserDisplayName – csp::common::String : new display name that will replace the previous value
Callback – NullResultCallback : callback when asynchronous task finishes
void DeleteUser(const csp::common::String &UserId, NullResultCallback Callback)
Delete the user.
Note that you need permission to be able to delete the user (You can delete the user you are logged in as).
- Parameters
UserId – csp::common::String : id of the user that will be deleted
Callback – NullResultCallback : callback when asynchronous task finishes
void ForgotPassword(const csp::common::String &Email, const csp::common::Optional<csp::common::String> &RedirectUrl, const csp::common::Optional<csp::common::String> &EmailLinkUrl, bool UseTokenChangePasswordUrl, NullResultCallback Callback)
Allow a user to reset their password if forgotten by providing an email address.
- Parameters
Email – csp::common::String : account to recover password for
RedirectUrl – csp::common::Optional<csp::common::String> : the URL to redirect the user to after they have registered
EmailLinkUrl – csp::common::Optional<csp::common::String> : the URL inside the reset email sent to the user @Param UseTokenChangePasswordUrl bool : if true the link in the email will direct the user to the Token Change URL
Callback – NullResultCallback : callback to call when a response is received
void GetProfileByUserId(const csp::common::String &InUserId, ProfileResultCallback Callback)
Get a user profile by user ID.
- Parameters
InUserId – csp::common::String : the ID of the user to get
Callback – ProfileResultCallback : callback to call when a response is received
void GetProfilesByUserId(const csp::common::Array<csp::common::String> &InUserIds, BasicProfilesResultCallback Callback)
void GetBasicProfilesByUserId(const csp::common::Array<csp::common::String> &InUserIds, BasicProfilesResultCallback Callback)
Get a list of minimal profiles (avatarId, personalityType, userName, and platform) by user IDs.
- Parameters
InUserIds – csp::common::Array<csp::common::String> : an array of user IDs to search for users by
Callback – BasicProfilesResultCallback : callback to call when a response is received
void Ping(NullResultCallback Callback)
Ping Magnopus Connected Services.
- Parameters
Callback – NullResultCallback : callback to call when a response is received
void GetAgoraUserToken(const AgoraUserTokenParams &Params, StringResultCallback Callback)
Retrieve User token from Agora.
- Parameters
Params – AgoraUserTokenParams : Params to configure the User token
Callback – UserTokenResultCallback : callback to call when a response is received
void ResendVerificationEmail(const csp::common::String &InEmail, const csp::common::Optional<csp::common::String> &InRedirectUrl, NullResultCallback Callback)
Re-send user verification email.
- Parameters
InEmail – csp::common::String : User’s email address
InRedirectUrl – csp::common::Optional<csp::common::String> : URL to redirect user to after they have registered
Callback – NullResultCallback : Callback to call when response is received
void GetCustomerPortalUrl(const csp::common::String &UserId, StringResultCallback Callback)
Get the Customer Portal Url for a user from Stripe.
- Parameters
UserId – csp::common::String : the id of the user associated with the customer portal
Callback – StringResultCallback : callback that contains the customer portal URL of the User
void GetCheckoutSessionUrl(TierNames Tier, StringResultCallback Callback)
Get the checkout session Url for a user from Stripe.
- Parameters
Tier – csp::systems::TierNames : the tier of the checkout session needed
Callback – StringResultCallback : callback that contains the checkout session URL of the tier
void SetUserPermissionsChangedCallback(UserPermissionsChangedCallbackHandler Callback)
Sets a callback for an access control changed event.
- Parameters
Callback – UserPermissionsChangedCallbackHandler: Callback to receive data for the user permissions that has been changed.
virtual void RegisterSystemCallback() override
Registers the system to listen for the named event.
virtual void DeregisterSystemCallback() override
Deregisters the system from listening for the named event.
virtual void OnEvent(const std::vector<signalr::value> &EventValues) override
Deserialises the event values of the system.
- Parameters
EventValues – std::vector<signalr::value> : event values to deserialise
typedef std::function<void(const csp::multiplayer::UserPermissionsParams&)> UserPermissionsChangedCallbackHandler