
  1. Grab and install a version of the NPM package from npmjs.

  2. Import the Connected Spaces Platform (CSP) for Web module:

    • import * as Olympus from './node_modules/@magnopus-opensource/connected-spaces-platform-web/connectedspacesplatform.js';

  3. Await Olympus.ready(), passing true to load the Debug build of CSP, and false or no value to load the Release build:

    • await Olympus.ready(true);

  4. If needed, custom paths for the WASM files are supported. e.g.

    • var options = new FoundationOptions();

    • options.wrapperUrl = "./Debug/ConnectedSpacesPlatform_WASM.js";

    • options.wasmUrl = "./ConnectedSpacesPlatform_WASM.wasm";

    • options.workerUrl = "./ConnectedSpacesPlatform_WASM.worker.js";

    • await Olympus.ready(options);

  5. That’s all! You can now start calling CSP functions:

    • console.log(Olympus.OlympusFoundation.getVersion());

NOTE: You can also store the return value from the ready() promise and use it to access Emscripten functions directly:

  • var Module = await Olympus.ready(); var buf = Module._malloc(32);