C# Wrapper

General rules

  • The root namespace of the C# wrapper should be Csp.


  • All classes without a base type should inherit from NativeClassWrapper.

    • The exception to this is classes marked with CSP_INTERFACE, which should have no base type.

  • All classes marked with CSP_INTERFACE should be wrapped as C# interfaces.

Template classes

  • Template classes should be wrapped as C# generic classes.

Return types


  • Primitive C types should be translated to the equivalent C# type.

    • int8_t -> sbyte

    • uint8_t -> byte

    • short, signed short, short int, signed short int, int16_t -> short

    • unsigned short, unsigned short int, uint16_t -> ushort

    • int, signed int, long, signed long, long int, signed long int, int32_t -> int

    • unsigned int, unsigned long, unsigned long int, uint32_t -> uint

    • long long, signed long long, long long int, signed long long int, int64_t -> long

    • unsigned long long, unsigned long long int, uint64_t -> ulong

    • float -> float

    • double -> double

  • The P/Invoke signature for any C wrapper functions returning primitive pointers should use IntPtr to represent the pointer.

  • By-value return types should be kept as-is.

    // C++
    namespace csp {
      CSP_API int32_t GetPrimitiveByValue();
    // C#
    namespace Csp {
      public static class Global {
        static extern int csp_GetPrimitiveByValue();
        public int GetPrimitiveByValue() {
          return csp_GetPrimitiveByValue();
  • Non-const pointer and reference return types should be returned as Ref<T>.

    // C++
    namespace csp {
      CSP_API int32_t& GetPrimitiveByReference();
    // C#
    namespace Csp {
      public static class Global {
        static extern IntPtr csp_GetPrimitiveByReference();
        public Ref<int> GetPrimitiveByReference() {
          return new Ref<int>(csp_GetPrimitiveByReference());
  • Const pointer or reference return types should be passed by value.

    // C++
    namespace csp {
      CSP_API const int32_t* GetPrimitiveByConstPointer();
    // C#
    namespace Csp {
      public static class Global {
        static extern int csp_GetPrimitiveByConstPointer();
        public int GetPrimitiveByConstPointer() {
          return csp_GetPrimitiveByConstPointer();


  • Classes are always returned from the C interface as NativePointer.

  • The returned pointer should be passed to the class’ internal constructor.

    // C++
    namespace csp {
      CSP_API MyClass& GetClassByReference();
    // C#
    namespace Csp {
      public static class Global {
        static extern NativePointer csp_GetClassByReference();
        public Csp.MyClass GetClassByReference() {
          return new Csp.MyClass(csp_GetClassByReference());


  • String returns should be converted to a C# string using WrapperHelper.NativeUTF8ToString(). The pointer returned from the C interface should then freed with Global.Free().

    // C++
    namespace csp {
      CSP_API csp::common::String GetStringByValue();
    // C#
    namespace Csp {
      public static class Global {
        static extern IntPtr csp_GetStringByValue();
        public string GetStringByValue() {
          var result = csp_GetStringByValue();
          var stringResult = WrapperHelper.NativeUTF8ToString(result);
          return stringResult;

Parameter types

  • Parameter names should be converted from UpperCamelCase to lowerCamelCase.


  • By-value parameter types should be kept as-is.

    // C++
    namespace csp {
      CSP_API void SetPrimitiveByValue(int32_t Value);
    // C#
    namespace Csp {
      public static class Global {
        static extern void csp_SetPrimitiveByValue(int value);
        public void SetPrimitiveByValue(int value) {
  • Non-const reference parameter types marked with CSP_OUT should be passed as out parameters.

    // C++
    namespace csp {
      CSP_API void GetPrimitiveByOut(CSP_OUT int32_t& OutValue);
    // C#
    namespace Csp {
      public static class Global {
        static extern void csp_GetPrimitiveByOut(out int outValue);
        public void GetPrimitiveByOut(out int outValue) {
          csp_SetPrimitiveByValue(out outValue);
  • Non-const reference parameter types marked with CSP_IN_OUT should be passed as ref parameters.

    // C++
    namespace csp {
      CSP_API void SetPrimitiveByInGetByOut(CSP_IN_OUT int32_t& InOutValue);
    // C#
    namespace Csp {
      public static class Global {
        static extern void csp_SetPrimitiveByInGetByOut(ref int inOutValue);
        public void SetPrimitiveByInGetByOut(ref int inOutValue) {
          csp_SetPrimitiveByInGetByOut(ref inOutValue);