Class SpaceTransform
Defined in File SpaceTransform.h
Class Documentation
class SpaceTransform
Simple class for holding the position, rotation and scale of a transform.
Public Functions
Default constuctor for the SpaceTransform.
SpaceTransform(const csp::common::Vector3 &Position, const csp::common::Vector4 &Rotation, const csp::common::Vector3 &Scale)
Custom constructor for the SpaceTransform.
- Parameters
Position – csp::common::Vector3 : The position value for the transform.
Rotation – csp::common::Vector4 : The rotation value for the transform, will be normalized during multiplication operations.
Scale – csp::common::Vector3 : The scale value for the transform.
bool operator==(const SpaceTransform &Transform) const
Equality operator.
- Parameters
SpaceTransform – Transform
bool operator!=(const SpaceTransform &Transform) const
Inequality operator.
- Parameters
SpaceTransform – Transform
SpaceTransform operator*(const SpaceTransform &Transform) const
Multiplication operator.
This performs TRS matrix composition, then decomposes back to Pos, Rot, Scale.
- Parameters
SpaceTransform – Transform