General Architecture
Apps, Plugins & Integration Layer
CSP Layer
Cloud Service Layer
Magnopus Cloud Services (MCS)
Importance of MCS in the CSP Ecosystem
What are the Core Components of MCS?
Services Offered by MCS
User Service
Ranking Service
Asset Service
Multiplayer Service
Spatial Data Service
Aggregation Service
Callbacks and Result Objects in CSP
Using Callbacks
Result Objects
Interaction Between Callbacks and Result Objects
Mapping Magnopus Cloud Services to CSP Systems
How Specific MCS Services Map to CSP Systems
What is an MCS Tenant?
Multi-Tenancy in MCS
Requesting an MCS Tenant
Prerequisites for Requesting a Tenant
Step-by-Step Process to Request an MCS Tenant
Initializing CSP with a Tenant
How to Direct CSP to a Tenant
Relationship Between Environments and Tenants
What is an Environment?
Types of Environments
Differences between Tenants and Environments
Mapping Tenants to Environments
How Tenants are Linked to Specific Environments
Example Configuration
Network Protocols
Overview of How Network Protocol Works
Role of Network Protocols in CSP
How Network Protocols Facilitate Communication in CSP
What protocols does CSP use?
HTTPS Protocol
Characteristics of HTTPS
How RESTful APIs Work with HTTPS
Examples and Use Cases in CSP
Benefits and Limitations
SignalR Protocol in CSP
Key Features
Comparison with WebSockets
How SignalR is Integrated into CSP
Practical Examples and Scenarios
SignalR in the Multiplayer System
Key Features
Core Concepts
Schema Definition
Scalar, Object, Custom, and Input Types
Scalar Types
Object Types
Custom Types
Input Types
Queries and Mutations
Differences Between Queries and Mutations
Performing Complex Queries with GraphQL
Nested Queries
Use Cases
Aliases and Fragments
Simplify Queries with Fragments
Benefits of Fragments
Variables and Directives
Dynamic Query Execution with Directives
Benefits of Variables and Directives
GraphQL in CSP
Example of a CSP GraphQL Query
Benefits and Limitations
Core Concepts of GraphQL
Complex Queries in GraphQL
GraphQL in CSP
CSP-Specific Logging Features
CSP Log Categories
System Logs
Event Logs
Marker Logs
Setting Up Logging in Your Client Application
Log Callback Handlers
How to Define and Set a Log Callback Handler
Event Callback Handlers
How to Define and Set an Event Callback Handler:
Begin Marker Callback Handlers
How to Define and Set an Begin Marker Callback Handler:
End Marker Callback Handlers
How to Define and Set an End Marker Callback Handler:
Configuring Logging Verbosity
System-Wide Log Level
Retrieving the current log level
Checking the Logging Status of Specific Log Levels
Maintenance Windows
Definition and Purpose of Maintenance Windows
Understanding Maintenance Windows
Scheduling and Communicating Maintenance Windows
Maintenance System Architecture
Structure and Components of MaintenanceInfo Objects
Relationship Between MaintenanceInfo Objects and the Maintenance System
Querying for Upcoming Maintenance Windows
Introduction to the GetMaintenanceInfo method
CSP Implementation of the GetMaintenanceInfo Method
Role of the MaintenanceInfo Callback
Handling MaintenanceInfo Results
Key Properties and Methods
Retrieving Maintenance Information
Checking for Maintenance Windows
Retrieving the Latest MaintenanceInfo Object
Maintenance Windows
Maintenance System Architecture
Querying Maintenance Windows
Handling MaintenanceInfo Results
Overview of CSP Authentication Methods
Log in
Steps for Logging In
LoginStateResultCallback and Response Handling
Login with Single Sign-On (SSO)
SSO Process Overview
Benefits of SSO
Log in as a Guest
Key Points
Login with a Refresh Token
How It Works
Key Points
Log out
How it works
Key Points
Best Practices
User Management
Importance of User Creation, Password Management, and Updating Profile Information
Creating a New User
Why Creating Users is Critical for Access Control in CSP
User Creation Methods
Key Arguments Required for User Creation
How it works
Resetting Password
Password Reset Methods
Step-by-Step Guide to Resetting a Password
Updating Display Name
Updating Display Name Method
Step-by-Step Guide to Updating Display Name
User Profile Management Best Practices
Security Considerations
User Experience Enhancements
Compliance and Data Privacy
Understanding the Asynchronous Nature of Setting Changes
Step-by-Step Guide to Changing a Setting
Types of Settings Available for Change
1. Acceptance of Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)
2. Newsletter Subscription Status
3. Recently Visited Spaces
4. Blocked Spaces
5. User Avatar Configuration
Space Management
Importance of Spaces in Creating a Multi-User Experience
Creating a New Space
Steps to Create a New Space Using the CreateSpace Method
Explanation of the
Differences Between
Handling Space Thumbnails with
Key Differences Between
Setting Space Properties
Combinations of IsDiscoverable and RequiresInvite Attributes and Their Effects
Geolocated Spaces
How to Create and Manage Geolocated Spaces
Managing Spaces
Deleting a Space
Editing a Space
Methods to Update Space Attributes
Querying for Spaces
Methods to Retrieve Spaces Based on Different Criteria
Pagination in Querying Results
Handling Results from Queries (Success, In Progress, or Failure Scenarios)
Understanding Asset Collections
Purpose and Flexibility
Asset CRUD Operations
Creating an Asset Collection
Creating an Asset
Uploading an Asset
Step-by-Step Guide
Deleting an Asset
Relationship with Entity Components
Querying for Assets
Methods for Querying Assets Within a Space
Automated Model Decimation
Benefits of Model Decimation for Optimizing Asset Performance
Querying for Assets
Best Practices for Managing Assets Efficiently
Space Entities
Types of Space Entities in CSP
Avatar Entities
The Difference Between Avatar Entities and Object Entities
Transient and Persistent Entities
Transient Entities
Persistent Entities
The Role of Components
Role of ComponentBase
Entity Lifetime Management
Importance of SpaceEntityUpdates
Physical and Digital Realities
Cross-Reality Applications
The Significance of Spatial Coherence
Importance of Cross-Reality Applications
Use Cases of Cross-Reality Applications
Understanding Digital Twins
Components of a Digital Twin
Benefits of Digital Twins in Cross-Reality Applications
Practical Application of Digital Twins
Relating the Physical and Digital Worlds
Process for Recreating the Physical
Mapping Digital Twins onto Physical Reality via AR and Anchoring
Anchoring Digital Twins to Real-World Locations
Role of Google Cloud Anchors (GCA) in CSP
Ensuring Spatiotemporal Coherence
Purpose of Anchoring in Achieving Spatial Positioning and Spatiotemporal Coherence
Understanding Digital Coordinates and Transforms
Digital and Physical Coordinate Systems
Significance of Aligning Coordinates
Types of Anchors in CSP
CRUD Operations for Anchors
Creating Anchors
Reading and Retrieving Anchors
Updating Anchors
Deleting Anchors
Querying for Anchors
Associating a Google Cloud Anchor with a CSP Anchor
Using Third-Party Anchors
Resolving a Google Cloud Anchor at Runtime
Anchor Resolution Process
Achieving Precise AR Alignment
Integration and Resolution Workflow
Fiducial Markers
Fiducial Markers vs. Cloud-Hosted Anchors
Use Cases
Core Concepts of Fiducials
Fiducial Markers and Digital Coordinate Spaces
Importance of Dimensions and Scale
Marker Resolution and Transform
Steps for Resolving Fiducial Markers
Role of Marker Component Transforms
Creating a Fiducial Marker Component
Adding a Fiducial Marker Component
Associating a Marker Component with an Asset Collection
Setting Transform Properties
Updating the Entity
Relating Fiducial Marker Transforms to AR Spaces
Transform Relationships
Inverse Transform and Space Rebasement
Getting Started
Adding Connected Spaces Platform to your project
C# (Unity)
Package Installation Steps
Querying Spaces
Retrieving all spaces associated with the currently logged in user
Retrieving a single space, associated with a particular space id
Retrieving all spaces associated with a particular user id
Retrieving spaces by specifying a number of space identifiers associated with the currently logged in user
Querying Spaces
Retrieving all spaces associated with the currently logged in user
Retrieving a single space, associated with a particular space id
Retrieving spaces associated with a particular user id
Retrieving spaces by specifying a number of space identifiers associated with the currently logged in user
Retrieving spaces with the given set of attributes available to the logged in user
Querying Spaces
Retrieving all spaces associated with the currently logged in user
Retrieving a single space, associated with a particular id
Retrieving spaces associated with a particular user id
Retrieving spaces, by specifying a number of space identifiers associated with the currently logged in user
Retrieving spaces with the given set of attributes available to the logged in user
Processes, Principles and Tooling
Programming Guidelines
API Markup Standards
Adding Components to CSP
Add a new Component class
Add a ComponentType entry
Add a component instantiation case
Script Binding
Component Testing
Branching Strategy
Development Branches
Branching Workflow
Release Preparation
Release Deployment
Maintenance and Hotfixes
Working on a new feature
Making a new release version
Wrapper Generator Specifications
General rules
Wrapper-specific rules
C Interface
General rules
Template classes
Return types
Parameter types
C# Wrapper
General rules
Template classes
Return types
Parameter types
TypeScript Wrapper
General rules
Return types
Parameter types
Script System
Sending Messages between Entity Scripts
Referencing other scripts as Modules
Leader Election
Process Summary
Leader Heartbeat
Expected Application Flow
1. Initialise CSP
a. Set UserAgent information
2. Log In
a. Tick
3. Set the EntityCreated Callback
4. Enter Space
5. Exit Space
6. Log Out
7. Shutdown
Multiplayer and State Replication
Setting Data
Invoking a Patch Message
Patch Message Serialization
View Components
CSP Components
Sending a Patch Message
Receiving a Patch Message
Deserialising Data & Firing Client Callbacks
Services Abstraction Layer
External Tools
Clang Format
Building CSP
Building CSP for Web
Running the build
Where is the file output?
Building CSP for C++
Running docker-desktop with WSL2 (Windows)
Build Instructions
Where is the file output?
Building CSP for C#
Running docker-desktop with WSL2 (Windows)
Build Instructions
Where is the file output?
Building CSP for Android
Running docker-desktop with WSL2 (Windows)
Build Instructions
Where is the file output?
Building CSP for MacOS
Build Instructions
Where is the file output?
Building CSP for iOS
Build Instructions
Where is the file output?
How to import to Unity
Testing Best Practices
Pull requests
Test Locations
Test Account Credentials
File Location
File Format
Test Account Requirements
Debugging CSP for Unity
Debugging CSP for Web
Performance Profiling
Internal Profiling Hooks
Example - Binding to Unreal Insights
Full API
Namespace csp
Namespace csp::common
Namespace csp::json
Namespace csp::memory
Namespace csp::multiplayer
Namespace csp::services
Namespace csp::systems
Namespace csp::web
Namespace signalr
Classes and Structs
Template Struct DllDeleter
Struct Documentation
Class ClientUserAgent
Class Documentation
Template Class Array
Class Documentation
Class CancellationToken
Class Documentation
Class FileExtensions
Class Documentation
Template Class List
Class Documentation
Template Class Map
Class Documentation
Class MimeTypeHelper
Class Documentation
Class MimeTypes
Class Documentation
Template Class Optional
Class Documentation
Class String
Class Documentation
Class Variant
Nested Relationships
Nested Types
Class Documentation
Class Vector2
Class Documentation
Class Vector3
Class Documentation
Class Vector4
Class Documentation
Class CSPFoundation
Class Documentation
Class EndpointURIs
Class Documentation
Class AnimatedModelSpaceComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Base Types
Class Documentation
Class AssetDetailBlobParams
Class Documentation
Class AudioSpaceComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Base Types
Class Documentation
Class AvatarSpaceComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class BaseMessageInfo
Inheritance Relationships
Derived Types
Class Documentation
Class ButtonSpaceComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Base Types
Class Documentation
Class CinematicCameraSpaceComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Base Types
Class Documentation
Class CollisionSpaceComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Base Types
Class Documentation
Class ComponentBase
Inheritance Relationships
Derived Types
Class Documentation
Class ComponentUpdateInfo
Class Documentation
Class ConversationInfo
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class ConversationResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class ConversationSpaceComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Base Types
Class Documentation
Class ConversationSystem
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class ConversationSystemParams
Class Documentation
Class CustomSpaceComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class ECommerceSpaceComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Base Types
Class Documentation
Class EntityScript
Class Documentation
Class EventBus
Class Documentation
Class ExternalLinkSpaceComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Base Types
Class Documentation
Class FiducialMarkerSpaceComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Base Types
Class Documentation
Class FogSpaceComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Base Types
Class Documentation
Class GaussianSplatSpaceComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Base Types
Class Documentation
Class HotspotSpaceComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Base Types
Class Documentation
Class IEnableableComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Derived Types
Class Documentation
Class IEntityDeserialiser
Class Documentation
Class IEntitySerialiser
Class Documentation
Class IExternalResourceComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Derived Types
Class Documentation
Class ImageSpaceComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Base Types
Class Documentation
Class IPositionComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Derived Types
Class Documentation
Class IRotationComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Derived Types
Class Documentation
Class IScaleComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Derived Types
Class Documentation
Class IShadowCasterComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Derived Types
Class Documentation
Class IThirdPartyComponentRef
Inheritance Relationships
Derived Types
Class Documentation
Class ITransformComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Base Types
Derived Types
Class Documentation
Class IVisibleComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Derived Types
Class Documentation
Class LightSpaceComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Base Types
Class Documentation
Class MaterialChangedParams
Class Documentation
Class MessageCollectionResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class MessageInfo
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class MessageResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class MultiplayerConnection
Class Documentation
Class PortalSpaceComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Base Types
Class Documentation
Class ReflectionSpaceComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Base Types
Class Documentation
Class ReplicatedValue
Nested Relationships
Nested Types
Class Documentation
Class ScriptSpaceComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class SequenceChangedParams
Class Documentation
Class SequenceHotspotChangedParams
Class Documentation
Class SpaceEntity
Nested Relationships
Nested Types
Class Documentation
Class SpaceEntity::DirtyComponent
Nested Relationships
Class Documentation
Class SpaceEntitySystem
Class Documentation
Class SpaceTransform
Class Documentation
Class SplineSpaceComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class StaticModelSpaceComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Base Types
Class Documentation
Class TextSpaceComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Base Types
Class Documentation
Class UserPermissionsParams
Class Documentation
Class VideoPlayerSpaceComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Base Types
Class Documentation
Template Class ApiResponseHandler
Class Documentation
Class AddShopifyStoreResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class AgoraUserTokenParams
Class Documentation
Class AnalyticsEvent
Class Documentation
Class AnalyticsEventInitialiser
Class Documentation
Class AnalyticsProviderGoogleUA
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class AnalyticsSystem
Class Documentation
Class Anchor
Class Documentation
Class AnchorCollectionResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class AnchorResolution
Class Documentation
Class AnchorResolutionCollectionResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class AnchorResolutionResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class AnchorResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class AnchorSystem
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class Asset
Class Documentation
Class AssetCollection
Class Documentation
Class AssetCollectionResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class AssetCollectionsResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class AssetDataResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class AssetDataSource
Inheritance Relationships
Derived Types
Class Documentation
Class AssetResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class AssetsResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class AssetSystem
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class AvatarInfoResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class BasicProfile
Inheritance Relationships
Derived Type
Class Documentation
Class BasicProfilesResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class BasicSpace
Inheritance Relationships
Derived Type
Class Documentation
Class BasicSpaceResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class BasicSpacesResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class BooleanResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class BufferAssetDataSource
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class CartInfo
Class Documentation
Class CartInfoResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class CartLine
Class Documentation
Class CheckoutInfo
Class Documentation
Class CheckoutInfoResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class CurrencyInfo
Class Documentation
Class ECommerceSystem
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class EventTicket
Class Documentation
Class EventTicketingSystem
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class EventTicketResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class FeatureLimitInfo
Class Documentation
Class FeatureLimitResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class FeatureQuotaInfo
Class Documentation
Class FeatureQuotaResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class FeaturesLimitResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class FeaturesQuotaResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class FileAssetDataSource
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class GeoLocation
Class Documentation
Class GetShopifyStoresResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class GLTFMaterial
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class GLTFMaterialResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class GLTFMaterialsResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class GraphQLResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class GraphQLSystem
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class HotspotGroup
Class Documentation
Class HotspotGroupResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class HotspotGroupsResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class HotspotSequenceSystem
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class HTTPHeadersResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class IAnalyticsProvider
Inheritance Relationships
Derived Type
Class Documentation
Class InviteOrganizationRoleCollection
Class Documentation
Class InviteOrganizationRoleInfo
Class Documentation
Class InviteUserRoleInfo
Class Documentation
Class InviteUserRoleInfoCollection
Class Documentation
Class IScriptBinding
Class Documentation
Class LODAsset
Class Documentation
Class LODChain
Class Documentation
Class LODChainResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class LoginState
Class Documentation
Class LoginStateResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class LoginTokenInfo
Class Documentation
Class LoginTokenInfoResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class LogSystem
Class Documentation
Class MaintenanceInfo
Class Documentation
Class MaintenanceInfoResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class MaintenanceSystem
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class Material
Inheritance Relationships
Derived Type
Class Documentation
Class NullResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class OlyAnchorPosition
Class Documentation
Class OlyRotation
Class Documentation
Class Organization
Class Documentation
Class OrganizationResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class OrganizationRoleInfo
Class Documentation
Class OrganizationRolesResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class OrganizationSystem
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class PendingInvitesResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class POICollectionResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class PointOfInterest
Class Documentation
Class PointOfInterestSystem
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class POIResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class ProductInfo
Class Documentation
Class ProductInfoCollectionResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class ProductInfoResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class ProductMediaInfo
Class Documentation
Class ProductVariantInfo
Class Documentation
Class Profile
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class ProfileResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class ProviderDetailsResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class QuotaSystem
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class ResultBase
Inheritance Relationships
Derived Types
Class Documentation
Class ScriptSystem
Class Documentation
Class Sequence
Class Documentation
Class SequenceResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class SequencesResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class SequenceSystem
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class SettingsCollection
Class Documentation
Class SettingsCollectionResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class SettingsSystem
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class ShopifyStoreInfo
Class Documentation
Class Site
Class Documentation
Class SiteResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class SitesCollectionResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class Space
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class SpaceGeoLocation
Class Documentation
Class SpaceGeoLocationCollectionResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class SpaceGeoLocationResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class SpaceIsTicketedResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class SpaceMetadataResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class SpaceResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class SpacesMetadataResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class SpacesResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class SpaceSystem
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class StringArrayResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class StringResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class SystemBase
Inheritance Relationships
Derived Types
Class Documentation
Class SystemsManager
Class Documentation
Class TextureInfo
Class Documentation
Class ThirdPartyProviderDetails
Class Documentation
Class TicketedEvent
Class Documentation
Class TicketedEventCollectionResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class TicketedEventResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class TicketedEventVendorAuthInfo
Class Documentation
Class TicketedEventVendorAuthInfoResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class UInt64Result
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class UriResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class UserRoleCollectionResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class UserRoleInfo
Class Documentation
Class UserSystem
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class UserTierInfo
Class Documentation
Class UserTierResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class ValidateShopifyStoreResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class VariantOptionInfo
Class Documentation
Class VoipSystem
Class Documentation
Enum VariantType
Enum Documentation
Enum AnimatedModelActions
Enum Documentation
Enum AnimatedModelPropertyKeys
Enum Documentation
Enum AudioPlaybackState
Enum Documentation
Enum AudioPropertyKeys
Enum Documentation
Enum AudioType
Enum Documentation
Enum AvatarComponentPropertyKeys
Enum Documentation
Enum AvatarPlayMode
Enum Documentation
Enum AvatarState
Enum Documentation
Enum BillboardMode
Enum Documentation
Enum ButtonPropertyKeys
Enum Documentation
Enum CinematicCameraPropertyKeys
Enum Documentation
Enum CollisionMode
Enum Documentation
Enum CollisionPropertyKeys
Enum Documentation
Enum CollisionShape
Enum Documentation
Enum ComponentType
Enum Documentation
Enum ComponentUpdateType
Enum Documentation
Enum ConnectionState
Enum Documentation
Enum ConversationMessageType
Enum Documentation
Enum ConversationPropertyKeys
Enum Documentation
Enum CustomComponentPropertyKeys
Enum Documentation
Enum DisplayMode
Enum Documentation
Enum EAssetChangeType
Enum Documentation
Enum ECommercePropertyKeys
Enum Documentation
Enum EPermissionChangeType
Enum Documentation
Enum ErrorCode
Enum Documentation
Enum ESequenceUpdateType
Enum Documentation
Enum ExternalLinkActions
Enum Documentation
Enum ExternalLinkPropertyKeys
Enum Documentation
Enum FiducialMarkerPropertyKeys
Enum Documentation
Enum FogMode
Enum Documentation
Enum FogPropertyKeys
Enum Documentation
Enum GaussianSplatPropertyKeys
Enum Documentation
Enum HotspotPropertyKeys
Enum Documentation
Enum ImagePropertyKeys
Enum Documentation
Enum LightCookieType
Enum Documentation
Enum LightPropertyKeys
Enum Documentation
Enum LightShadowType
Enum Documentation
Enum LightType
Enum Documentation
Enum LocomotionModel
Enum Documentation
Enum PortalPropertyKeys
Enum Documentation
Enum ReflectionPropertyKeys
Enum Documentation
Enum ReflectionShape
Enum Documentation
Enum ReplicatedValueType
Enum Documentation
Enum ScriptComponentPropertyKeys
Enum Documentation
Enum ScriptScope
Enum Documentation
Enum SpaceEntityType
Enum Documentation
Enum SpaceEntityUpdateFlags
Enum Documentation
Enum SplinePropertyKeys
Enum Documentation
Enum StaticModelPropertyKeys
Enum Documentation
Enum TextPropertyKeys
Enum Documentation
Enum VideoPlayerActions
Enum Documentation
Enum VideoPlayerPlaybackState
Enum Documentation
Enum VideoPlayerPropertyKeys
Enum Documentation
Enum VideoPlayerSourceType
Enum Documentation
Enum AnchorProvider
Enum Documentation
Enum AvatarType
Enum Documentation
Enum EAlphaMode
Enum Documentation
Enum EAssetCollectionType
Enum Documentation
Enum EAssetPlatform
Enum Documentation
Enum EAssetType
Enum Documentation
Enum ELoginState
Enum Documentation
Enum EOrganizationRole
Enum Documentation
Enum EPointOfInterestType
Enum Documentation
Enum ERequestFailureReason
Enum Documentation
Enum EResultCode
Enum Documentation
Enum EShaderType
Enum Documentation
Enum ETextureResourceType
Enum Documentation
Enum EThirdPartyAuthenticationProviders
Enum Documentation
Enum EThirdPartyPlatform
Enum Documentation
Enum EventTicketingVendor
Enum Documentation
Enum LogLevel
Enum Documentation
Enum PeriodEnum
Enum Documentation
Enum SpaceUserRole
Enum Documentation
Enum TicketStatus
Enum Documentation
Enum TierFeatures
Enum Documentation
Enum TierNames
Enum Documentation
Enum EResponseCodes
Enum Documentation
Union Variant::InternalValue
Nested Relationships
Union Documentation
Union ReplicatedValue::InternalValue
Nested Relationships
Union Documentation
Function csp::common::next_pow2
Function Documentation
Template Function csp::common::StringFormat
Function Documentation
Function csp::Free
Function Documentation
Function csp::GenerateAssetHash
Function Documentation
Function csp::GetFunctionAddress
Function Documentation
Template Function csp::memory::Delete
Function Documentation
Function csp::memory::DllAlloc
Function Documentation
Function csp::memory::DllFree
Function Documentation
Function csp::memory::DllRealloc
Function Documentation
Function csp::systems::ConvertAssetPlatformToString
Function Documentation
Function csp::systems::ConvertDTOAssetDetailType
Function Documentation
Function csp::systems::ConvertStringToAssetPlatform
Function Documentation
Function csp::systems::CreateUAEventString
Function Documentation
Template Function csp::systems::HasFlag
Function Documentation
Function csp::systems::operator&
Function Documentation
Function csp::systems::operator|
Function Documentation
Function csp::systems::operator|=
Function Documentation
Function csp::systems::SortMaintenanceInfos
Function Documentation
Function csp::systems::StringToTierFeatureEnum
Function Documentation
Function csp::systems::StringToTierNameEnum
Function Documentation
Function csp::systems::TierFeatureEnumToString
Function Documentation
Function csp::systems::TierNameEnumToString
Function Documentation
Function FromJson(const csp::json::JsonDeserializer&, csp::systems::GLTFMaterial&)
Function Documentation
Function FromJson(const csp::json::JsonDeserializer&, csp::systems::TextureInfo&)
Function Documentation
Function ToJson(csp::json::JsonSerializer&, const csp::systems::GLTFMaterial&)
Function Documentation
Function ToJson(csp::json::JsonSerializer&, const csp::systems::TextureInfo&)
Function Documentation
Variable csp::common::LIST_DEFAULT_SIZE
Variable Documentation
Variable csp::multiplayer::SCRIPT_MSG_ENTITIES_LOADED
Variable Documentation
Variable csp::multiplayer::SCRIPT_MSG_ENTITY_CLICK
Variable Documentation
Variable csp::multiplayer::SCRIPT_MSG_ENTITY_TICK
Variable Documentation
Variable csp::systems::Gated
Variable Documentation
Variable csp::systems::IsDiscoverable
Variable Documentation
Variable csp::systems::Private
Variable Documentation
Variable csp::systems::Public
Variable Documentation
Variable csp::systems::RequiresInvite
Variable Documentation
Variable csp::systems::SpaceAttributes
Variable Documentation
Variable csp::systems::Unlisted
Variable Documentation
Define CSP_API
Define Documentation
Define Documentation
Define Documentation
Define CSP_C_API
Define Documentation
Define Documentation
Define Documentation
Define Documentation
Define Documentation
Define Documentation
Define Documentation
Define Documentation
Define CSP_OUT
Define Documentation
Define Documentation
Define Documentation
Define Documentation
Define Documentation
Typedef csp::multiplayer::ConversationResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::multiplayer::MessageCollectionResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::multiplayer::MessageResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::AddShopifyStoreResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::AnchorCollectionResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::AnchorResolutionCollectionResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::AnchorResolutionResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::AnchorResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::AssetCollectionResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::AssetCollectionsResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::AssetDataResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::AssetResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::AssetsResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::AvatarInfoResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::BasicProfilesResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::BasicSpaceResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::BasicSpacesResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::BoolCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::BooleanResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::CartInfoResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::CheckoutInfoResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::EventTicketResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::FeatureLimitCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::FeatureQuotaCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::FeaturesLimitCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::FeaturesQuotaCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::GetShopifyStoresResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::GLTFMaterialResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::GLTFMaterialsResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::GraphQLReceivedCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::HotspotGroupResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::HotspotGroupsResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::HTTPHeadersResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::LODChainResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::LoginStateResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::LoginTokenInfoResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::MaintenanceInfoCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::MetricValue
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::NullResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::OrganizationResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::OrganizationRolesResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::PendingInvitesResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::POICollectionResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::POIResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::ProductInfoCollectionResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::ProductInfoResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::ProfileResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::ProviderDetailsResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::SequenceResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::SequencesResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::SetECommerceActiveResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::SettingsResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::SiteResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::SitesCollectionResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::SpaceGeoLocationCollectionResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::SpaceGeoLocationResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::SpaceIsTicketedResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::SpaceMetadataResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::SpaceResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::SpacesMetadataResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::SpacesResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::StringArrayResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::StringResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::TicketedEventCollectionResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::TicketedEventResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::TicketedEventVendorAuthorizeInfoCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::UInt64ResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::UriResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::UserRoleCollectionCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::UserTierCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::ValidateShopifyStoreResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Connected Spaces Platform
Full API
Namespace csp
Namespace csp::common
Namespace csp::json
Namespace csp::memory
Namespace csp::multiplayer
Namespace csp::services
Namespace csp::systems
Namespace csp::web
Namespace signalr
Classes and Structs
Template Struct DllDeleter
Struct Documentation
Class ClientUserAgent
Class Documentation
Template Class Array
Class Documentation
Class CancellationToken
Class Documentation
Class FileExtensions
Class Documentation
Template Class List
Class Documentation
Template Class Map
Class Documentation
Class MimeTypeHelper
Class Documentation
Class MimeTypes
Class Documentation
Template Class Optional
Class Documentation
Class String
Class Documentation
Class Variant
Nested Relationships
Nested Types
Class Documentation
Class Vector2
Class Documentation
Class Vector3
Class Documentation
Class Vector4
Class Documentation
Class CSPFoundation
Class Documentation
Class EndpointURIs
Class Documentation
Class AnimatedModelSpaceComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Base Types
Class Documentation
Class AssetDetailBlobParams
Class Documentation
Class AudioSpaceComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Base Types
Class Documentation
Class AvatarSpaceComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class BaseMessageInfo
Inheritance Relationships
Derived Types
Class Documentation
Class ButtonSpaceComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Base Types
Class Documentation
Class CinematicCameraSpaceComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Base Types
Class Documentation
Class CollisionSpaceComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Base Types
Class Documentation
Class ComponentBase
Inheritance Relationships
Derived Types
Class Documentation
Class ComponentUpdateInfo
Class Documentation
Class ConversationInfo
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class ConversationResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class ConversationSpaceComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Base Types
Class Documentation
Class ConversationSystem
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class ConversationSystemParams
Class Documentation
Class CustomSpaceComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class ECommerceSpaceComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Base Types
Class Documentation
Class EntityScript
Class Documentation
Class EventBus
Class Documentation
Class ExternalLinkSpaceComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Base Types
Class Documentation
Class FiducialMarkerSpaceComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Base Types
Class Documentation
Class FogSpaceComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Base Types
Class Documentation
Class GaussianSplatSpaceComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Base Types
Class Documentation
Class HotspotSpaceComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Base Types
Class Documentation
Class IEnableableComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Derived Types
Class Documentation
Class IEntityDeserialiser
Class Documentation
Class IEntitySerialiser
Class Documentation
Class IExternalResourceComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Derived Types
Class Documentation
Class ImageSpaceComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Base Types
Class Documentation
Class IPositionComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Derived Types
Class Documentation
Class IRotationComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Derived Types
Class Documentation
Class IScaleComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Derived Types
Class Documentation
Class IShadowCasterComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Derived Types
Class Documentation
Class IThirdPartyComponentRef
Inheritance Relationships
Derived Types
Class Documentation
Class ITransformComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Base Types
Derived Types
Class Documentation
Class IVisibleComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Derived Types
Class Documentation
Class LightSpaceComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Base Types
Class Documentation
Class MaterialChangedParams
Class Documentation
Class MessageCollectionResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class MessageInfo
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class MessageResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class MultiplayerConnection
Class Documentation
Class PortalSpaceComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Base Types
Class Documentation
Class ReflectionSpaceComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Base Types
Class Documentation
Class ReplicatedValue
Nested Relationships
Nested Types
Class Documentation
Class ScriptSpaceComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class SequenceChangedParams
Class Documentation
Class SequenceHotspotChangedParams
Class Documentation
Class SpaceEntity
Nested Relationships
Nested Types
Class Documentation
Class SpaceEntity::DirtyComponent
Nested Relationships
Class Documentation
Class SpaceEntitySystem
Class Documentation
Class SpaceTransform
Class Documentation
Class SplineSpaceComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class StaticModelSpaceComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Base Types
Class Documentation
Class TextSpaceComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Base Types
Class Documentation
Class UserPermissionsParams
Class Documentation
Class VideoPlayerSpaceComponent
Inheritance Relationships
Base Types
Class Documentation
Template Class ApiResponseHandler
Class Documentation
Class AddShopifyStoreResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class AgoraUserTokenParams
Class Documentation
Class AnalyticsEvent
Class Documentation
Class AnalyticsEventInitialiser
Class Documentation
Class AnalyticsProviderGoogleUA
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class AnalyticsSystem
Class Documentation
Class Anchor
Class Documentation
Class AnchorCollectionResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class AnchorResolution
Class Documentation
Class AnchorResolutionCollectionResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class AnchorResolutionResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class AnchorResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class AnchorSystem
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class Asset
Class Documentation
Class AssetCollection
Class Documentation
Class AssetCollectionResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class AssetCollectionsResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class AssetDataResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class AssetDataSource
Inheritance Relationships
Derived Types
Class Documentation
Class AssetResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class AssetsResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class AssetSystem
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class AvatarInfoResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class BasicProfile
Inheritance Relationships
Derived Type
Class Documentation
Class BasicProfilesResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class BasicSpace
Inheritance Relationships
Derived Type
Class Documentation
Class BasicSpaceResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class BasicSpacesResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class BooleanResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class BufferAssetDataSource
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class CartInfo
Class Documentation
Class CartInfoResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class CartLine
Class Documentation
Class CheckoutInfo
Class Documentation
Class CheckoutInfoResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class CurrencyInfo
Class Documentation
Class ECommerceSystem
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class EventTicket
Class Documentation
Class EventTicketingSystem
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class EventTicketResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class FeatureLimitInfo
Class Documentation
Class FeatureLimitResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class FeatureQuotaInfo
Class Documentation
Class FeatureQuotaResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class FeaturesLimitResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class FeaturesQuotaResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class FileAssetDataSource
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class GeoLocation
Class Documentation
Class GetShopifyStoresResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class GLTFMaterial
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class GLTFMaterialResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class GLTFMaterialsResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class GraphQLResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class GraphQLSystem
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class HotspotGroup
Class Documentation
Class HotspotGroupResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class HotspotGroupsResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class HotspotSequenceSystem
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class HTTPHeadersResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class IAnalyticsProvider
Inheritance Relationships
Derived Type
Class Documentation
Class InviteOrganizationRoleCollection
Class Documentation
Class InviteOrganizationRoleInfo
Class Documentation
Class InviteUserRoleInfo
Class Documentation
Class InviteUserRoleInfoCollection
Class Documentation
Class IScriptBinding
Class Documentation
Class LODAsset
Class Documentation
Class LODChain
Class Documentation
Class LODChainResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class LoginState
Class Documentation
Class LoginStateResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class LoginTokenInfo
Class Documentation
Class LoginTokenInfoResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class LogSystem
Class Documentation
Class MaintenanceInfo
Class Documentation
Class MaintenanceInfoResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class MaintenanceSystem
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class Material
Inheritance Relationships
Derived Type
Class Documentation
Class NullResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class OlyAnchorPosition
Class Documentation
Class OlyRotation
Class Documentation
Class Organization
Class Documentation
Class OrganizationResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class OrganizationRoleInfo
Class Documentation
Class OrganizationRolesResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class OrganizationSystem
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class PendingInvitesResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class POICollectionResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class PointOfInterest
Class Documentation
Class PointOfInterestSystem
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class POIResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class ProductInfo
Class Documentation
Class ProductInfoCollectionResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class ProductInfoResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class ProductMediaInfo
Class Documentation
Class ProductVariantInfo
Class Documentation
Class Profile
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class ProfileResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class ProviderDetailsResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class QuotaSystem
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class ResultBase
Inheritance Relationships
Derived Types
Class Documentation
Class ScriptSystem
Class Documentation
Class Sequence
Class Documentation
Class SequenceResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class SequencesResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class SequenceSystem
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class SettingsCollection
Class Documentation
Class SettingsCollectionResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class SettingsSystem
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class ShopifyStoreInfo
Class Documentation
Class Site
Class Documentation
Class SiteResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class SitesCollectionResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class Space
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class SpaceGeoLocation
Class Documentation
Class SpaceGeoLocationCollectionResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class SpaceGeoLocationResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class SpaceIsTicketedResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class SpaceMetadataResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class SpaceResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class SpacesMetadataResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class SpacesResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class SpaceSystem
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class StringArrayResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class StringResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class SystemBase
Inheritance Relationships
Derived Types
Class Documentation
Class SystemsManager
Class Documentation
Class TextureInfo
Class Documentation
Class ThirdPartyProviderDetails
Class Documentation
Class TicketedEvent
Class Documentation
Class TicketedEventCollectionResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class TicketedEventResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class TicketedEventVendorAuthInfo
Class Documentation
Class TicketedEventVendorAuthInfoResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class UInt64Result
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class UriResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class UserRoleCollectionResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class UserRoleInfo
Class Documentation
Class UserSystem
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class UserTierInfo
Class Documentation
Class UserTierResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class ValidateShopifyStoreResult
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
Class Documentation
Class VariantOptionInfo
Class Documentation
Class VoipSystem
Class Documentation
Enum VariantType
Enum Documentation
Enum AnimatedModelActions
Enum Documentation
Enum AnimatedModelPropertyKeys
Enum Documentation
Enum AudioPlaybackState
Enum Documentation
Enum AudioPropertyKeys
Enum Documentation
Enum AudioType
Enum Documentation
Enum AvatarComponentPropertyKeys
Enum Documentation
Enum AvatarPlayMode
Enum Documentation
Enum AvatarState
Enum Documentation
Enum BillboardMode
Enum Documentation
Enum ButtonPropertyKeys
Enum Documentation
Enum CinematicCameraPropertyKeys
Enum Documentation
Enum CollisionMode
Enum Documentation
Enum CollisionPropertyKeys
Enum Documentation
Enum CollisionShape
Enum Documentation
Enum ComponentType
Enum Documentation
Enum ComponentUpdateType
Enum Documentation
Enum ConnectionState
Enum Documentation
Enum ConversationMessageType
Enum Documentation
Enum ConversationPropertyKeys
Enum Documentation
Enum CustomComponentPropertyKeys
Enum Documentation
Enum DisplayMode
Enum Documentation
Enum EAssetChangeType
Enum Documentation
Enum ECommercePropertyKeys
Enum Documentation
Enum EPermissionChangeType
Enum Documentation
Enum ErrorCode
Enum Documentation
Enum ESequenceUpdateType
Enum Documentation
Enum ExternalLinkActions
Enum Documentation
Enum ExternalLinkPropertyKeys
Enum Documentation
Enum FiducialMarkerPropertyKeys
Enum Documentation
Enum FogMode
Enum Documentation
Enum FogPropertyKeys
Enum Documentation
Enum GaussianSplatPropertyKeys
Enum Documentation
Enum HotspotPropertyKeys
Enum Documentation
Enum ImagePropertyKeys
Enum Documentation
Enum LightCookieType
Enum Documentation
Enum LightPropertyKeys
Enum Documentation
Enum LightShadowType
Enum Documentation
Enum LightType
Enum Documentation
Enum LocomotionModel
Enum Documentation
Enum PortalPropertyKeys
Enum Documentation
Enum ReflectionPropertyKeys
Enum Documentation
Enum ReflectionShape
Enum Documentation
Enum ReplicatedValueType
Enum Documentation
Enum ScriptComponentPropertyKeys
Enum Documentation
Enum ScriptScope
Enum Documentation
Enum SpaceEntityType
Enum Documentation
Enum SpaceEntityUpdateFlags
Enum Documentation
Enum SplinePropertyKeys
Enum Documentation
Enum StaticModelPropertyKeys
Enum Documentation
Enum TextPropertyKeys
Enum Documentation
Enum VideoPlayerActions
Enum Documentation
Enum VideoPlayerPlaybackState
Enum Documentation
Enum VideoPlayerPropertyKeys
Enum Documentation
Enum VideoPlayerSourceType
Enum Documentation
Enum AnchorProvider
Enum Documentation
Enum AvatarType
Enum Documentation
Enum EAlphaMode
Enum Documentation
Enum EAssetCollectionType
Enum Documentation
Enum EAssetPlatform
Enum Documentation
Enum EAssetType
Enum Documentation
Enum ELoginState
Enum Documentation
Enum EOrganizationRole
Enum Documentation
Enum EPointOfInterestType
Enum Documentation
Enum ERequestFailureReason
Enum Documentation
Enum EResultCode
Enum Documentation
Enum EShaderType
Enum Documentation
Enum ETextureResourceType
Enum Documentation
Enum EThirdPartyAuthenticationProviders
Enum Documentation
Enum EThirdPartyPlatform
Enum Documentation
Enum EventTicketingVendor
Enum Documentation
Enum LogLevel
Enum Documentation
Enum PeriodEnum
Enum Documentation
Enum SpaceUserRole
Enum Documentation
Enum TicketStatus
Enum Documentation
Enum TierFeatures
Enum Documentation
Enum TierNames
Enum Documentation
Enum EResponseCodes
Enum Documentation
Union Variant::InternalValue
Nested Relationships
Union Documentation
Union ReplicatedValue::InternalValue
Nested Relationships
Union Documentation
Function csp::common::next_pow2
Function Documentation
Template Function csp::common::StringFormat
Function Documentation
Function csp::Free
Function Documentation
Function csp::GenerateAssetHash
Function Documentation
Function csp::GetFunctionAddress
Function Documentation
Template Function csp::memory::Delete
Function Documentation
Function csp::memory::DllAlloc
Function Documentation
Function csp::memory::DllFree
Function Documentation
Function csp::memory::DllRealloc
Function Documentation
Function csp::systems::ConvertAssetPlatformToString
Function Documentation
Function csp::systems::ConvertDTOAssetDetailType
Function Documentation
Function csp::systems::ConvertStringToAssetPlatform
Function Documentation
Function csp::systems::CreateUAEventString
Function Documentation
Template Function csp::systems::HasFlag
Function Documentation
Function csp::systems::operator&
Function Documentation
Function csp::systems::operator|
Function Documentation
Function csp::systems::operator|=
Function Documentation
Function csp::systems::SortMaintenanceInfos
Function Documentation
Function csp::systems::StringToTierFeatureEnum
Function Documentation
Function csp::systems::StringToTierNameEnum
Function Documentation
Function csp::systems::TierFeatureEnumToString
Function Documentation
Function csp::systems::TierNameEnumToString
Function Documentation
Function FromJson(const csp::json::JsonDeserializer&, csp::systems::GLTFMaterial&)
Function Documentation
Function FromJson(const csp::json::JsonDeserializer&, csp::systems::TextureInfo&)
Function Documentation
Function ToJson(csp::json::JsonSerializer&, const csp::systems::GLTFMaterial&)
Function Documentation
Function ToJson(csp::json::JsonSerializer&, const csp::systems::TextureInfo&)
Function Documentation
Variable csp::common::LIST_DEFAULT_SIZE
Variable Documentation
Variable csp::multiplayer::SCRIPT_MSG_ENTITIES_LOADED
Variable Documentation
Variable csp::multiplayer::SCRIPT_MSG_ENTITY_CLICK
Variable Documentation
Variable csp::multiplayer::SCRIPT_MSG_ENTITY_TICK
Variable Documentation
Variable csp::systems::Gated
Variable Documentation
Variable csp::systems::IsDiscoverable
Variable Documentation
Variable csp::systems::Private
Variable Documentation
Variable csp::systems::Public
Variable Documentation
Variable csp::systems::RequiresInvite
Variable Documentation
Variable csp::systems::SpaceAttributes
Variable Documentation
Variable csp::systems::Unlisted
Variable Documentation
Define CSP_API
Define Documentation
Define Documentation
Define Documentation
Define CSP_C_API
Define Documentation
Define Documentation
Define Documentation
Define Documentation
Define Documentation
Define Documentation
Define Documentation
Define Documentation
Define CSP_OUT
Define Documentation
Define Documentation
Define Documentation
Define Documentation
Define Documentation
Typedef csp::multiplayer::ConversationResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::multiplayer::MessageCollectionResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::multiplayer::MessageResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::AddShopifyStoreResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::AnchorCollectionResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::AnchorResolutionCollectionResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::AnchorResolutionResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::AnchorResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::AssetCollectionResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::AssetCollectionsResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::AssetDataResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::AssetResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::AssetsResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::AvatarInfoResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::BasicProfilesResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::BasicSpaceResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::BasicSpacesResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::BoolCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::BooleanResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::CartInfoResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::CheckoutInfoResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::EventTicketResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::FeatureLimitCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::FeatureQuotaCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::FeaturesLimitCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::FeaturesQuotaCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::GetShopifyStoresResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::GLTFMaterialResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::GLTFMaterialsResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::GraphQLReceivedCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::HotspotGroupResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::HotspotGroupsResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::HTTPHeadersResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::LODChainResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::LoginStateResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::LoginTokenInfoResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::MaintenanceInfoCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::MetricValue
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::NullResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::OrganizationResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::OrganizationRolesResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::PendingInvitesResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::POICollectionResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::POIResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::ProductInfoCollectionResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::ProductInfoResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::ProfileResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::ProviderDetailsResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::SequenceResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::SequencesResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::SetECommerceActiveResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::SettingsResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::SiteResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::SitesCollectionResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::SpaceGeoLocationCollectionResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::SpaceGeoLocationResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::SpaceIsTicketedResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::SpaceMetadataResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::SpaceResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::SpacesMetadataResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::SpacesResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::StringArrayResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::StringResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::TicketedEventCollectionResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::TicketedEventResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::TicketedEventVendorAuthorizeInfoCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::UInt64ResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::UriResultCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::UserRoleCollectionCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::UserTierCallback
Typedef Documentation
Typedef csp::systems::ValidateShopifyStoreResultCallback
Typedef Documentation