Class PointOfInterestSystem
Defined in File PointOfInterestSystem.h
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
public csp::systems::SystemBase
(Class SystemBase)
Class Documentation
class PointOfInterestSystem : public csp::systems::SystemBase
Public facing system that allows interfacing with Magnopus Connected Services’ concept of a Point of Interest.
Offers methods for creating and deleting POIs.
Asynchronous Calls
These are methods that perform WebClient calls and therefore operate asynchronously and require a callback to be passed for a completion result
void CreatePOI(const csp::common::String &Title, const csp::common::String &Description, const csp::common::String &Name, const csp::common::Optional<csp::common::Array<csp::common::String>> &Tags, EPointOfInterestType Type, const csp::common::String &Owner, const csp::systems::GeoLocation &Location, const AssetCollection &AssetCollection, POIResultCallback Callback)
Creates a new Point of Interest.
- Parameters
Title – csp::common::String : title for the new POI
Description – csp::common::String : description for the new POI
Name – csp::common::String : name for the new POI
Tags – csp::common::Array<csp::common::String> : optional array of tags to be added to the new POI
Type – EPointOfInterestType : type of the new POI
Owner – csp::common::String : owner of the new POI
Location – csp::systems::GeoLocation : latitude and longitude coordinates of the new POI
AssetCollection – csp::systems::AssetCollection : the AssetCollection to assign this POI to
Callback – CreatePOICallback : callback when asynchronous task finishes
void DeletePOI(const PointOfInterest &POI, NullResultCallback Callback)
Deletes a given Point of Interest.
- Parameters
POI – PointOfInterest : POI to delete
Callback – NullResultCallback : callback when asynchronous task finishes
void GetPOIsInArea(const csp::systems::GeoLocation &OriginLocation, const double AreaRadius, const csp::common::Optional<EPointOfInterestType> &Type, POICollectionResultCallback Callback)
Retrieves an array with all the Points of Interest that are located inside the circular area defined by the parameters.
- Parameters
OriginLocation – csp::systems::GeoLocation : The latitude and longitude coordinates of origin of the search location.
AreaRadius – double : The Radius of the circular area to search around the provided origin.
Type – csp::common::Optional<EPointOfInterestType> : The type of POI to search for. If none is specified, all types will be included in the returned set.
Callback – POICollectionResultCallback : callback when asynchronous task finishes.
Protected Functions
PointOfInterestSystem(csp::web::WebClient *InWebClient)
void CreateSite(const Site &Site, SiteResultCallback Callback)
Creates a new Point of Interest for storing the Space Site information.
This functionality should only be accessed through the Space System.
void DeleteSite(const Site &Site, NullResultCallback Callback)
Removes the Point of Interest that was storing the Space Site information.
This functionality should only be accessed through the Space System.
void GetSites(const csp::common::String &SpaceId, SitesCollectionResultCallback Callback)
Retrieves the Sites information associated with a Space.
This functionality should only be accessed through the Space system
void AddSpaceGeoLocation(const csp::common::String &SpaceId, const csp::common::Optional<GeoLocation> &Location, const csp::common::Optional<float> &Orientation, const csp::common::Optional<csp::common::Array<GeoLocation>> &GeoFence, SpaceGeoLocationResultCallback Callback)
void UpdateSpaceGeoLocation(const csp::common::String &SpaceId, const csp::common::String &SpaceGeoLocationId, const csp::common::Optional<GeoLocation> &Location, const csp::common::Optional<float> &Orientation, const csp::common::Optional<csp::common::Array<GeoLocation>> &GeoFence, SpaceGeoLocationResultCallback Callback)
void GetSpaceGeoLocation(const csp::common::String &SpaceId, SpaceGeoLocationResultCallback Callback)
void DeleteSpaceGeoLocation(const csp::common::String &SpaceId, NullResultCallback Callback)
void CreatePOI(const csp::common::String &Title, const csp::common::String &Description, const csp::common::String &Name, const csp::common::Optional<csp::common::Array<csp::common::String>> &Tags, EPointOfInterestType Type, const csp::common::String &Owner, const csp::systems::GeoLocation &Location, const AssetCollection &AssetCollection, POIResultCallback Callback)