Test Account Credentials

File Location

If you want to run tests locally, you will need to create a test_account_creds.txt file in the following locations:


  • connected-spaces-platform\Tests\Binaries\x64\DebugDLL


  • connected-spaces-platform\Tests\Web\html\assets

File Format

test_account_creds.txt should contain the following information:

<main test account email> <main test account password> 
<alt test account email> <alt test account password> 
<oko.tests account email> <oko.tests account password>

**Accounts created for the OKO_TESTS tenant do not have to be verified upon account creation).

Test Account Requirements

  • In each instance, the main and alt test accounts must be different accounts. (Ensuring that both are registered and authenticated by the email you are sent post-account-creation. This applies to alias accounts also.)