Building CSP for Android

This page details how to Build foundation locally and build the Android DLLs.


Windows: Please run the install script “install_prerequisites.ps1” in PowerShell as administrator. This script will install the Windows Package Manager Chocolatey and the following packages:

  • git

  • vscode

  • python3

  • llvm

  • docker-desktop

  • cmake

Running docker-desktop with WSL2 (Windows)

Windows: Docker-Desktop is known to have issues with WSL so some further steps are needed to function as expected

  1. Open PowerShell as Administrator and run wsl --install This will install WSL2

  2. Download WSL2 kernel patch WSL2 Linux kernel update package for x64 machines

  3. Follow installation guide.

  4. Restart your computer

Build Instructions

Build instructions for the Connected Spaces Platform project are below. First of all you’ll need to run the following script:

  1. Clone the Connected Spaces Platform Repositiory git clone --recurse-submodules

  2. Open PowerShell as Administrator and run install_prerequisites.ps1 to install Prerequisites if you haven’t already.

If you would like to run docker-desktop using wsl please make sure sure you follow Running docker-desktop with WSL2 above .

  1. Open Command Line and run generate_solution.bat to generate the Foundation solution.

If you get an error with premake not found, this is the first module built so you’ll need to checkout the submodules with git submodule update --init --recursive.

  1. Double click OlympusFoundation.sln to open up the Foundation Project in your chosen ide (For this walk through we will be using Rider).

This will take some time but its loaded it should look like this:

image info

  1. Select the ReleaseDLL option in the build configuration settings alongside x64 click the Green Hammer to start the build.

image info

Where is the file output?

Once Foundation has finished building you will find the DLL has been generated in connected-spaces-platform\Library\Binaries\Android\ReleaseDLL.