C Interface

General rules

  • All functions in the C interface should be marked with CSP_C_API instead of CSP_API. This is to accommodate Emscripten’s requirements for exported functions in the WASM binary.


  • All public fields and functions should be wrapped.

    • Fields are wrapped with a getter function and a setter function.

  • Private constructors/destructors should not be wrapped.

Template classes

  • Every template instance needs to be wrapped.

  • Template instances should be treated like regular classes.

Return types


  • By-value return types should be kept as-is.

    // C++
    namespace csp {
        CSP_API int32_t GetPrimitiveByValue();
    // C
    CSP_C_API int32_t csp_GetPrimitiveByValue() {
        return csp::GetPrimitiveByValue();
  • Non-const pointer return types should be kept as-is.

    // C++
    namespace csp {
        CSP_API int32_t* GetPrimitiveByPointer();
    // C
    CSP_C_API int32_t* csp_GetPrimitiveByPointer() {
        return csp::GetPrimitiveByPointer();
  • Const pointer return types should be returned by value.

    // C++
    namespace csp {
        CSP_API const int32_t* GetPrimitiveByConstPointer();
    // C
    CSP_C_API int32_t csp_GetPrimitiveByConstPointer() {
        return *csp::GetPrimitiveByConstPointer();
  • Non-const reference return types should be returned as a pointer.

    // C++
    namespace csp {
        CSP_API int32_t& GetPrimitiveByReference();
    // C
    CSP_C_API int32_t* csp_GetPrimitiveByReference() {
        return &csp::GetPrimitiveByReference();
  • Const reference return types should be returned by value.

    // C++
    namespace csp {
        CSP_API const int32_t& GetPrimitiveByConstReference();
    // C
    CSP_C_API int32_t csp_GetPrimitiveByConstReference() {
        return csp::GetPrimitiveByConstReference();


  • Classes are always returned as NativePointer.

  • A copy should be made on the heap for classes returned by value, and NativePointer.OwnsOwnData should be true.

    // C++
    namespace csp {
        class ExampleClass;
        CSP_API ExampleClass GetClassByValue();
    // C
    CSP_C_API NativePointer csp_GetClassByValue() {
        return NativePointer {
            CSP_NEW csp::ExampleClass(csp::GetClassByValue()),
  • Non-const pointers should be returned with NativePointer.OwnsOwnData set to false.

    // C++
    namespace csp {
        class ExampleClass;
        CSP_API ExampleClass* GetClassByPointer();
    // C
    CSP_C_API NativePointer csp_GetClassByPointer() {
        return NativePointer {
  • A copy should be made on the heap for classes returned by const pointer, and NativePointer.OwnsOwnData should be true.

    // C++
    namespace csp {
        class ExampleClass;
        CSP_API const ExampleClass* GetClassByConstPointer();
    // C
    CSP_C_API NativePointer csp_GetClassByConstPointer() {
        return NativePointer {
            CSP_NEW csp::ExampleClass(*csp::GetClassByConstPointer()),
  • Non-const references should be returned by pointer with NativePointer.OwnsOwnData set to false.

    // C++
    namespace csp {
        class ExampleClass;
        CSP_API ExampleClass& GetClassByReference();
    // C
    CSP_C_API NativePointer csp_GetClassByReference() {
        return NativePointer {
  • A copy should be made on the heap for classes returned by const reference, and NativePointer.OwnsOwnData should be true.

    // C++
    namespace csp {
        class CSP_API ExampleClass {};
        CSP_API const ExampleClass& GetClassByConstReference();
    // C
    CSP_C_API NativePointer csp_GetClassByConstReference() {
        return NativePointer {
            CSP_NEW csp::ExampleClass(csp::GetClassByConstReference()),


  • For Strings returned by value or by const-reference, a copy of the underlying C-string should be made on the heap and returned. The caller is responsible for freeing the memory allocated during the copy.

    // C++
    namespace csp {
        CSP_API csp::common::String GetStringByValue();
        CSP_API const csp::common::String& GetStringByConstReference();
    // C
    CSP_C_API char* csp_GetStringByValue() {
        auto Value = csp::GetStringByValue();
        auto Buf = (char*)csp::memory::DllAlloc(Value.Length() + 1);
        std::memcpy(Buf, Value.c_str(), Value.Length());
        Buf[Value.Length()] = '\0';
        return Buf;
    CSP_C_API NativePointer csp_GetStringByConstReference() {
        const auto& Value = csp::GetStringByConstReference();
        auto Buf = (char*)csp::memory::DllAlloc(Value.Length() + 1);
        std::memcpy(Buf, Value.c_str(), Value.Length());
        Buf[Value.Length()] = '\0';
        return Buf;
  • Returning Strings by pointer or non-const reference is not supported.

Parameter types


  • By-value parameter types should be kept as-is.

    // C++
    namespace csp {
        CSP_API void SetPrimitiveByValue(int32_t Value);
    // C
    CSP_C_API void csp_SetPrimitiveByValue(int32_t Value) {
  • Non-const reference parameter types marked with CSP_OUT should be passed by pointer.

    // C++
    namespace csp {
        CSP_API void GetPrimitiveByOut(CSP_OUT int32_t& OutValue);
    // C
    CSP_C_API void csp_GetPrimitiveByOut(int32_t* OutValue) {
  • Non-const reference parameter types marked with CSP_IN_OUT should be passed by pointer.

    // C++
    namespace csp {
        CSP_API void SetPrimitiveByInGetByOut(CSP_IN_OUT int32_t& InOutValue);
    // C
    CSP_C_API void SetPrimitiveByInGetByOut(int32_t* InOutValue) {
  • Pointer primitive types, const reference primitive types, and non-const primitive reference types not marked with CSP_OUT or CSP_IN_OUT are not supported as parameters.