Class AvatarSpaceComponent

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class AvatarSpaceComponent : public csp::multiplayer::ComponentBase

Data representation of an AvatarSpaceComponent.

Public Functions

AvatarSpaceComponent(SpaceEntity *Parent)

Constructs the avatar space component, and associates it with the specified Parent space entity.


Parent – The Space entity that owns this component.

const csp::common::String &GetAvatarId() const

Gets the ID for the avatar of this avatar component.


Used for selecting a specific avatar depending on the user’s preferences.


The ID of the currently active avatar of this avatar component.

void SetAvatarId(const csp::common::String &Value)

Sets the ID for the avatar of this avatar component.


Used for selecting a specific avatar depending on the user’s preferences.


Value – The ID of the currently active avatar of this avatar component.

const csp::common::String &GetUserId() const

Gets the ID of the user that controls this avatar.


The ID of the user controlling this avatar.

void SetUserId(const csp::common::String &Value)

Sets the ID of the user that controls this avatar.


Value – The ID of the user controlling this avatar.

AvatarState GetState() const

Gets the state of the current avatar.


The state of the current avatar.

void SetState(AvatarState Value)

Sets the state of the current avatar.


Value – The state of the current avatar.

AvatarPlayMode GetAvatarPlayMode() const

Gets the play mode used by this avatar.


The play mode used by this avatar.

void SetAvatarPlayMode(AvatarPlayMode Value)

Sets the play mode used by this avatar.


Value – The play mode used by this avatar.

const int64_t GetAvatarMeshIndex() const

Gets the ID of the mesh of the avatar of this component.


Used to establish which mesh this avatar should use among a collection of predefined meshes.


The ID of the mesh of the avatar of this component.

void SetAvatarMeshIndex(int64_t Value)

Sets the ID of the mesh of the avatar of this component.


Used to establish which mesh this avatar should use among a collection of predefined meshes.


Value – The ID of the mesh of the avatar of this component.

const csp::common::String &GetAgoraUserId() const

Gets the ID of the Agora user bounded to this avatar.


When using voice chat, an Agora user is associated with a specific avatar component, so that it is possible to associate the person speaking via the Agora voice chat through the relative avatar.


The ID of the Agora user associated with this avatar component.

void SetAgoraUserId(const csp::common::String &Value)

Sets the ID of the Agora user bounded to this avatar.


When using voice chat, an Agora user is associated with a specific avatar component, so that it is possible to associate the person speaking via the Agora voice chat through the relative avatar.


Value – The ID of the Agora user associated with this avatar component.

const csp::common::String &GetCustomAvatarUrl() const

Gets the URL of a custom mesh for this avatar.


This is intended for use with external avatar managers, such as ReadyPlayerMe.


The URL of the custom mesh this avatar component uses for its avatar.

void SetCustomAvatarUrl(const csp::common::String &Value)

Sets the URL of a custom mesh for this avatar.


This is intended for use with external avatar managers, such as ReadyPlayerMe.


Value – The URL of the custom mesh this avatar component uses for its avatar.

const bool GetIsHandIKEnabled() const

Checks if the Hands Inverse Kinematics (IK) are enabled for this avatar.


Intended for use in VR or with virtual hands controllers.


True if the avatar uses IK, false otherwise.

void SetIsHandIKEnabled(bool Value)

Sets if the Hands Inverse Kinematics (IK) are enabled for this avatar.


Intended for use in VR or with virtual hands controllers.


Value – True if the avatar uses IK, false otherwise.

const csp::common::Vector3 &GetTargetHandIKTargetLocation() const

Gets the location of the target used for the hands IK.


Used in combination with hand IK if enabled.


The tartget location to use for the hands IK.

void SetTargetHandIKTargetLocation(const csp::common::Vector3 &Value)

Sets the location of the target used for the hands IK.


Used in combination with hand IK if enabled.


Value – The tartget location to use for the hands IK.

const csp::common::Vector4 &GetHandRotation() const

Gets the rotation of the avatar hand.


The coordinate system respects the following conventions:

  • Right handed coordinate system

  • Positive rotation is counterclockwise

  • The geographic North is along the positive Z axis (+Z) at an orientation of 0 degrees.

  • North: +Z

  • East: -X

  • South: -Z

  • West: +X


The rotation of the avatar hand.

void SetHandRotation(const csp::common::Vector4 &Value)

Sets the rotation of the avatar hand.


The coordinate system respects the following conventions:

  • Right handed coordinate system

  • Positive rotation is counterclockwise

  • The geographic North is along the positive Z axis (+Z) at an orientation of 0 degrees.

  • North: +Z

  • East: -X

  • South: -Z

  • West: +X


Value – The tartget location to use for the hands IK.

const csp::common::Vector4 &GetHeadRotation() const

Gets the rotation of the avatar head.


The coordinate system respects the following conventions:

  • Right handed coordinate system

  • Positive rotation is counterclockwise

  • The geographic North is along the positive Z axis (+Z) at an orientation of 0 degrees.

  • North: +Z

  • East: -X

  • South: -Z

  • West: +X


The rotation of the avatar head.

void SetHeadRotation(const csp::common::Vector4 &Value)

Sets the rotation of the avatar head.


The coordinate system respects the following conventions:

  • Right handed coordinate system

  • Positive rotation is counterclockwise

  • The geographic North is along the positive Z axis (+Z) at an orientation of 0 degrees.

  • North: +Z

  • East: -X

  • South: -Z

  • West: +X


Value – The rotation of the avatar head.

const float GetWalkRunBlendPercentage() const

Gets blending between walk and run states expressed in percentage.


Used to calculate a smooth transition between an avatar walking and an avatar running. When 0 the avatar is fully walking, when 100 the avatar is fully running.


The percentage of the blending between walk and run states.

void SetWalkRunBlendPercentage(float Value)

Sets blending between walk and run states expressed in percentage.


Used to calculate a smooth transition between an avatar walking and an avatar running. When 0 the avatar is fully walking, when 100 the avatar is fully running.


Value – The percentage of the blending between walk and run states.

const float GetTorsoTwistAlpha() const

Gets the angle to use to twist the avatar’s torso.


To calculate the twist of the avatar torso, it is convention to evaluate the difference between the avatar’s hip forward direction and the avatar’s head forward direction. The greater the difference, the further the torso should be twisted. Positive value if the torso is turning right, negative if avatar is turning left.


The angle to use to twist the avatar’s torso.

void SetTorsoTwistAlpha(float Value)

Sets the angle to use to twist the avatar’s torso.


To calculate the twist of the avatar torso, it is convention to evaluate the difference between the avatar’s hip forward direction and the avatar’s head forward direction. The greater the difference, the further the torso should be twisted. Positive value if the torso is turning right, negative if avatar is turning left.


Value – The angle to use to twist the avatar’s torso.

const csp::common::Vector3 &GetMovementDirection() const

Gets a vector that represents the movement direction of the avatar.


The vector representing the movement direction of the avatar.

void SetMovementDirection(const csp::common::Vector3 &Value)

Sets a vector that represents the movement direction of the avatar.


Value – The vector representing the movement direction of the avatar.

LocomotionModel GetLocomotionModel() const

Specifies which locomotion model this avatar component is using.


The locomotion model used by this avatar component.

void SetLocomotionModel(LocomotionModel Value)

Sets which locomotion model this avatar component is using.


Value – The locomotion model used by this avatar component.