Class TextSpaceComponent

Inheritance Relationships

Base Types

Class Documentation

class TextSpaceComponent : public csp::multiplayer::ComponentBase, public csp::multiplayer::ITransformComponent, public csp::multiplayer::IVisibleComponent

Add a spatial representation of text to your space.

Public Functions

TextSpaceComponent(SpaceEntity *Parent)

Constructs the text space component, and associates it with the specified Parent space entity.


Parent – The Space entity that owns this component.

const csp::common::String &GetText() const

Gets the text this text component refers to.


The text this text component refers to.

void SetText(const csp::common::String &Value)

Sets the text this text component refers to.


Value – The text this text component refers to.

const csp::common::Vector3 &GetTextColor() const

Gets the text color.


The text color, expected to be in RGB color space, with each value normalised between 0…1.

void SetTextColor(const csp::common::Vector3 &Value)

Sets the text color.


Value – The text color, expected to be in RGB color space, with each value normalised between 0…1.

const csp::common::Vector3 &GetBackgroundColor() const

Gets the background color that should be globally applied text associated with this component.


The background color, expected to be in RGB color space, with each value normalised between 0…1.

void SetBackgroundColor(const csp::common::Vector3 &Value)

Sets the background color.


Value – The background color, expected to be in RGB color space, with each value normalised between 0…1.

bool GetIsBackgroundVisible() const

Sets the background visibility.


Value – The background visibility.

void SetIsBackgroundVisible(bool InValue)

Sets the background visibility.


Value – The background visibility.

float GetWidth() const

Sets the Text Width.


Value – The Text Width.

void SetWidth(float InValue)

Sets the Text Width.


Value – The Text Width.

float GetHeight() const

Sets the Text Height.


Value – The Text Height.

void SetHeight(float InValue)

Sets the Text Height.


Value – The Text Height.

BillboardMode GetBillboardMode() const

Gets the billboard mode used by this text component.


The billboard mode used by this text component.

void SetBillboardMode(BillboardMode billboardMode)

Sets the billboard mode used by this text component.


billboardMode – The billboard mode used by this text component.