Class SettingsSystem
Defined in File SettingsSystem.h
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
public csp::systems::SystemBase
(Class SystemBase)
Class Documentation
class SettingsSystem : public csp::systems::SystemBase
Public facing system that allows interfacing with Magnopus Connected Services’ settings service.
Offers methods for storing and retrieving client settings.
Public Functions
void SetNDAStatus(bool InValue, NullResultCallback Callback)
Set a boolean indicating whether the current user has completed a non-disclosure agreement.
NullResultCallback. Returns status of the update task, no payload expected.
- Parameters
InValue – bool : boolean reflecting desired state to store in Magnopus Connected Services.
Callback – NullResultCallback : callback when asynchronous task finishes.
void GetNDAStatus(BooleanResultCallback Callback)
Get a boolean indicating whether the current user has completed a non-disclosure agreement.
- Parameters
Callback – SettingsBoolCallback : callback to call when a response is received.
void SetNewsletterStatus(bool InValue, NullResultCallback Callback)
Opt in or out to receiving a newsletter for the current user.
NullResultCallback. Returns status of the update task, no payload expected.
- Parameters
InValue – bool : boolean reflecting desired state to store in Magnopus Connected Services
Callback – NullResultCallback : callback when asynchronous task finishes
void GetNewsletterStatus(BooleanResultCallback Callback)
Get a boolean indicating whether the current user has opted into receiving a newsletter.
- Parameters
Callback – SettingsBoolCallback : callback to call when a response is received.
void AddRecentlyVisitedSpace(const csp::common::String InSpaceID, NullResultCallback Callback)
Add a Space to the current user’s list of recently visited Spaces Supplying a SpaceID will store as the most recent space, manages the list order and storing to Magnopus Connected Services.
NullResultCallback. Returns status of the update task, no payload expected.
- Parameters
InSpaceID – csp::common::String : SpaceID of most recent space entered
Callback – NullResultCallback : callback when asynchronous task finishes
void GetRecentlyVisitedSpaces(StringArrayResultCallback Callback)
Get an array of the most recently visited Spaces for the current user.
Returns an csp::common::Array of csp::common::Strings ordered from most to least recent spaces up to a maximum of 10 entries.
- Parameters
Callback – SettingsArrayCallback : callback to call when a response is received.
void ClearRecentlyVisitedSpaces(NullResultCallback Callback)
Clear the list of recently-visited spaces for the current user.
- Parameters
Callback – NullResultCallback : callback when asynchronous task finishes.
void AddBlockedSpace(const csp::common::String InSpaceID, NullResultCallback Callback)
Block a space for the current user.
The client is expected to implement the actual space filtering functionality as this function only adds the provided space to a list and will not affect the spaces you get back from
.- Parameters
InSpaceID – csp::common::String : SpaceID of most space to block
Callback – NullResultCallback : callback when asynchronous task finishes
void RemoveBlockedSpace(const csp::common::String InSpaceID, NullResultCallback Callback)
Unblock a space for the current user.
- Parameters
InSpaceID – csp::common::String : SpaceID of most space to block
Callback – NullResultCallback : callback when asynchronous task finishes
void GetBlockedSpaces(StringArrayResultCallback Callback)
Get a list of Spaces that were blocked by the current user.
Returns an csp::common::Array of csp::common::Strings ordered from most to least recent blocked spaces.
- Parameters
Callback – SettingsArrayCallback : callback to call when a response is received.
void ClearBlockedSpaces(NullResultCallback Callback)
Clear the list of blocked Spaces for the current user.
- Parameters
Callback – NullResultCallback : callback when asynchronous task finishes.
void UpdateAvatarPortrait(const csp::systems::FileAssetDataSource &NewAvatarPortrait, NullResultCallback Callback)
Updates the Portrait Avatar image or adds one if it didn’t have it previously using FileAssetDataSource.
- Parameters
NewAvatarPortrait – csp::systems::FileAssetDataSource : New Portrait Avatar information
Callback – NullResultCallback : callback when asynchronous task finishes
void GetAvatarPortrait(const csp::common::String InUserID, UriResultCallback Callback)
Retrieves the Avatar Portrait information associated with the space If the user of the Avatar portrait associated with it the result callback will be successful, the HTTP res code will be ResponseNotFound and the Uri field inside the UriResult will be empty.
- Parameters
InUserID – const csp::common::String : The id of the user we are seeking to retrieve the portrait for
Callback – UriResultCallback : callback when asynchronous task finishes
void UpdateAvatarPortraitWithBuffer(const csp::systems::BufferAssetDataSource &NewAvatarPortrait, NullResultCallback Callback)
Updates the Avatar Portrait image or adds one if it didn’t have it previously using BufferAssetDataSource.
- Parameters
NewAvatarPortrait – csp::systems::BufferAssetDataSource : New Avatar Portrait information
Callback – NullResultCallback : callback when asynchronous task finishes
void SetAvatarInfo(AvatarType InType, const csp::common::String &InIdentifier, NullResultCallback Callback)
Sets the avatar type and identifier for a user.
- Parameters
InType – csp::systems::AvatarType : The type of avatar (predefined, Ready Player Me, or custom).
InIdentifier – csp::common::String : A string used to identify or locate the avatar.
Callback – NullResultCallback : Callback to call when task finishes.
void GetAvatarInfo(AvatarInfoResultCallback Callback)
Retrieves the avatar type and identifier for a user.
- Parameters
Callback – NullResultCallback : Callback to call when task finishes.
void SetNDAStatus(bool InValue, NullResultCallback Callback)