Class ConversationSpaceComponent
Defined in File ConversationSpaceComponent.h
Inheritance Relationships
Base Types
public csp::multiplayer::ComponentBase
(Class ComponentBase)public csp::multiplayer::IPositionComponent
(Class IPositionComponent)public csp::multiplayer::IRotationComponent
(Class IRotationComponent)
Class Documentation
class ConversationSpaceComponent : public csp::multiplayer::ComponentBase, public csp::multiplayer::IPositionComponent, public csp::multiplayer::IRotationComponent
Add a conversation with comment thread to your space.
These conversations have a spatial representation.
Public Functions
ConversationSpaceComponent(SpaceEntity *Parent)
Constructs the conversation component, and associates it with the specified Parent space entity.
- Parameters
Parent – The Space entity that owns this component.
void CreateConversation(const csp::common::String &Message, csp::systems::StringResultCallback Callback)
Create a new conversation.
- Parameters
Message – csp::common::String : the message to be stored.
Callback – StringResultCallback : callback when asynchronous task finishes
void DeleteConversation(csp::systems::NullResultCallback Callback)
Deletes all the messages that are part of the conversation.
- Parameters
Callback – NullResultCallback : callback when asynchronous task finishes
void AddMessage(const csp::common::String &Message, MessageResultCallback Callback)
Adds a message to conversation Make sure that the user has entered a space through SpaceSystem::EnterSpace() before calling this.
- Parameters
Message – csp::common::String : the message to be stored.
Callback – MessageResultCallback : callback when asynchronous task finishes
void DeleteMessage(const csp::common::String &MessageId, csp::systems::NullResultCallback Callback)
Deletes a particular message.
- Parameters
MessageId – csp::common::String : if of the message that will be deleted
Callback – NullResultCallback : callback when asynchronous task finishes
void GetMessage(const csp::common::String &MessageId, MessageResultCallback Callback)
Retrieves one particular message.
- Parameters
MessageId – csp::common::String : id of the message to be retrieved
Callback – MessageResultCallback : callback when asynchronous task finishes
void GetAllMessages(MessageCollectionResultCallback Callback)
Retrieves all messages in conversation.
- Parameters
Callback – MessageCollectionResultCallback : callback when asynchronous task finishes
void GetConversationInfo(ConversationResultCallback Callback)
Get Conversation Info.
- Parameters
Callback – ConversationResultCallback : callback when asynchronous task finishes
void SetConversationInfo(const ConversationInfo &ConversationData, ConversationResultCallback Callback)
Set Conversation Info.
- Parameters
ConversationData – ConversationInfo : Conversation Information
Callback – ConversationResultCallback : callback when asynchronous task finishes
void GetMessageInfo(const csp::common::String &MessageId, MessageResultCallback Callback)
Get Message Info.
- Parameters
MessageId – csp::common::String : message Id
Callback – MessageResultCallback : callback when asynchronous task finishes
void SetMessageInfo(const csp::common::String &MessageId, const MessageInfo &MessageData, MessageResultCallback Callback)
Set Message Info.
- Parameters
MessageId – csp::common::String : message Id
MessageData – MessageInfo : Conversation Information
Callback – MessageResultCallback : callback when asynchronous task finishes
bool GetIsVisible() const
void SetIsVisible(bool Value)
bool GetIsActive() const
void SetIsActive(bool Value)
bool MoveConversationFromComponent(ConversationSpaceComponent &OtherConversationComponent)
Moves the conversation associated with the other component to this one and remmove the association with the other component.
- Parameters
OtherConversationComponent – - The component to move the conversation from.
- Returns
true if successful, false if there is already a conversation associated with this component
void SetTitle(const csp::common::String &Value)
Sets the Title of the conversation.
- Parameters
Value – - The new title.
void SetDate(const csp::common::String &Value)
Sets the Date of the conversation.
- Parameters
Value – - The new Date.
void SetNumberOfReplies(const int64_t Value)
Sets the Number Of Replies of the conversation.
- Parameters
Value – - The new Number Of Replies.
const int64_t GetNumberOfReplies() const
Gets the Number Of Replies of the conversation.
ConversationSpaceComponent(SpaceEntity *Parent)