Class AssetSystem
Defined in File AssetSystem.h
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
public csp::systems::SystemBase
(Class SystemBase)
Class Documentation
class AssetSystem : public csp::systems::SystemBase
Public facing system that allows uploading/downloading and creation of assets.
Public Types
typedef std::function<void(const csp::multiplayer::AssetDetailBlobParams&)> AssetDetailBlobChangedCallbackHandler
typedef std::function<void(const csp::multiplayer::MaterialChangedParams&)> MaterialChangedCallbackHandler
Public Functions
void CreateAssetCollection(const csp::common::Optional<csp::common::String> &SpaceId, const csp::common::Optional<csp::common::String> &ParentAssetCollectionId, const csp::common::String &AssetCollectionName, const csp::common::Optional<csp::common::Map<csp::common::String, csp::common::String>> &Metadata, const EAssetCollectionType Type, const csp::common::Optional<csp::common::Array<csp::common::String>> &Tags, AssetCollectionResultCallback Callback)
Creates an asset collection.
- Parameters
Space – Space : optional space to associate the asset collection with
ParentAssetCollectionId – csp::common::String : optional parent asset collection Id
AssetCollectionName – csp::common::String : name of the asset collection
Metadata – csp::common::StringMap : optional metadata info to be associated with the asset collection
Type – EAssetCollectionType : type of the new asset collection
Tags – csp::common::Array<csp::common::String> : optional array of strings to add to the asset collection as tags
Callback – AssetCollectionResultCallback : callback when asynchronous task finishes
void DeleteAssetCollection(const AssetCollection &AssetCollection, NullResultCallback Callback)
Deletes a given asset collection.
- Parameters
AssetCollection – AssectCollection : asset collection to delete
Callback – NullResultCallback : callback when asynchronous task finishes
void CopyAssetCollectionsToSpace(csp::common::Array<AssetCollection> &SourceAssetCollections, const csp::common::String &DestSpaceId, bool CopyAsync, AssetCollectionsResultCallback Callback)
Copies an array of asset collections to another space.
Note that all source asset collections must belong to the same space.
- Parameters
SourceAssetCollections – csp::common::Array<AssetCollection> : The array of asset collections to copy. They must all belong to the same space.
DestSpaceId – const csp::common::String : The unique identifier of the space to copy these asset collections to.
CopyAsync – const csp::common::Optional<bool> : Whether to instruct the services to perform the copy of the asset collections asynchronously.
Callback – NullResultCallback : callback when asynchronous task finishes
void GetAssetCollectionById(const csp::common::String &AssetCollectionId, AssetCollectionResultCallback Callback)
Finds an asset collection by its Id.
- Parameters
AssetCollectionId – csp::common::String : asset collection to delete
Callback – AssetCollectionResultCallback : callback when asynchronous task finishes
void GetAssetCollectionByName(const csp::common::String &AssetCollectionName, AssetCollectionResultCallback Callback)
Finds an asset collection by its Name.
- Parameters
AssetCollectionName – csp::common::String : name of the asset collection to be retrieved
Callback – AssetCollectionResultCallback : callback when asynchronous task finishes
void FindAssetCollections(const csp::common::Optional<csp::common::Array<csp::common::String>> &Ids, const csp::common::Optional<csp::common::String> &ParentId, const csp::common::Optional<csp::common::Array<csp::common::String>> &Names, const csp::common::Optional<csp::common::Array<EAssetCollectionType>> &Types, const csp::common::Optional<csp::common::Array<csp::common::String>> &Tags, const csp::common::Optional<csp::common::Array<csp::common::String>> &SpaceIds, const csp::common::Optional<int> &ResultsSkipNumber, const csp::common::Optional<int> &ResultsMaxNumber, AssetCollectionsResultCallback Callback)
Retrieves asset collections based on the specified search criteria.
Results pagination is supported through the use of ResultsSkipNumber and ResultsMaxNumber.
- Parameters
Space – Space : optional space to get asset collections associated with it
AssetCollectionParentId – csp::common::String : optional asset collection parent id to get asset collections associated with it
AssetCollectionType – EAssetCollectionType : type of the asset collection
AssetCollectionTags – csp::common::Array<csp::common::String> : optional array of strings representing asset collection tags
AssetCollectionNames – csp::common::Optional<csp::common::Array<csp::common::String>> : optional array of strings representing asset collection names
ResultsSkipNumber – int : optional param representing the number of result entries that will be skipped from the result. For no skip pass nullptr.
ResultsMaxNumber – int : optional param representing the maximum number of result entries to be retrieved. For all available result entries pass nullptr.
Callback – AssetCollectionsResultCallback : callback when asynchronous task finishes
void UpdateAssetCollectionMetadata(const AssetCollection &AssetCollection, const csp::common::Map<csp::common::String, csp::common::String> &NewMetadata, const csp::common::Optional<csp::common::Array<csp::common::String>> &Tags, AssetCollectionResultCallback Callback)
Updates the Metadata field of an Asset Collection.
- Parameters
AssetCollection – AssetCollection : asset collection to be updated
NewMetadata – csp::common::StringMap : the new metadata information that will replace the previous
Tags – csp::common::Array<csp::common::String : optional array of strings to replace the tags
Callback – AssetCollectionResultCallback : callback when asynchronous task finishes
void CreateAsset(const AssetCollection &AssetCollection, const csp::common::String &Name, const csp::common::Optional<csp::common::String> &ThirdPartyPackagedAssetIdentifier, const csp::common::Optional<csp::systems::EThirdPartyPlatform> &ThirdPartyPlatform, EAssetType Type, AssetResultCallback Callback)
Creates a new asset.
- Parameters
AssetCollection – AssetCollection : the parent collection for the asset to be associated with
Name – csp::common::String : name of the asset collection
ThirdPartyPackagedAssetIdentifier – csp::common::String : optional id to a third party packaged asset identifier
ThirdPartyPlatform – EThirdPartyPlatform : optional enum class for Third Part Platform
Type – csp::systems::EAssetType : type of the asset
Callback – AssetResultCallback : callback when asynchronous task finishes
void UpdateAsset(const Asset &Asset, AssetResultCallback Callback)
Update a given asset.
- Parameters
Asset – Asset : asset to update
Callback – AssetResultCallback : callback when asynchronous task finishes
void DeleteAsset(const AssetCollection &AssetCollection, const Asset &Asset, NullResultCallback Callback)
Deletes a given asset.
- Parameters
AssetCollection – AssetCollection : the parent collection that the asset is associated with
Asset – Asset : asset to delete
Callback – NullResultCallback : callback when asynchronous task finishes
void GetAssetsInCollection(const AssetCollection &AssetCollection, AssetsResultCallback Callback)
Retrieves all assets in a given asset collection.
- Parameters
AssetCollection – AssetCollection : collection to get all assets from
Callback – AssetsResultCallback : callback when asynchronous task finishes
void GetAssetById(const csp::common::String &AssetCollectionId, const csp::common::String &AssetId, AssetResultCallback Callback)
Retrieves the asset specified by the Id.
- Parameters
AssetCollectionId – csp::common::String : the Id of the asset collection containing the asset
AssetId – csp::common::String : the Id of the asset to retrieve
Callback – AssetResultCallback : callback when asynchronous task finishes
void GetAssetsByCollectionIds(const csp::common::Array<csp::common::String> &AssetCollectionIds, AssetsResultCallback Callback)
Retrieves all assets that belong to the asset collections with the give Ids.
- Parameters
AssetCollectionIds – csp::common::Array<csp::common::String> : collection of asset collection Ids get all assets from
Callback – AssetsResultCallback : callback when asynchronous task finishes
void GetAssetsByCriteria(const csp::common::Array<csp::common::String> &AssetCollectionIds, const csp::common::Optional<csp::common::Array<csp::common::String>> &AssetIds, const csp::common::Optional<csp::common::Array<csp::common::String>> &AssetNames, const csp::common::Optional<csp::common::Array<EAssetType>> &AssetTypes, AssetsResultCallback Callback)
Retrieves assets based on the specified search criteria.
- Parameters
AssetCollectionIds – csp::common::Array<csp::common::String> : the asset collection Ids that will be used as search criteria. Note that you have to pass at least one Id.
AssetIds – csp::common::Array<csp::common::String> : optional array of strings representing asset ids
AssetNames – csp::common::Array<csp::common::String> : optional array of strings representing asset names
AssetTypes – csp::common::Array<EAssetType> : optional array of asset types
Callback – AssetsResultCallback : callback when asynchronous task finishes
void UploadAssetData(const AssetCollection &AssetCollection, const Asset &Asset, const AssetDataSource &AssetDataSource, UriResultCallback Callback)
Uploads data for the given asset to CHS from the given source.
- Parameters
AssetCollection – AssetCollection : collection the asset is associated to
Asset – Asset : asset to upload data for
AssetDataSource – AssetDataSource : asset data to upload AssetDataSource is an interface. A derived class must be passed.
Callback – UriResultCallback : callback when asynchronous task finishes
void UploadAssetDataEx(const AssetCollection &AssetCollection, const Asset &Asset, const AssetDataSource &AssetDataSource, csp::common::CancellationToken &CancellationToken, UriResultCallback Callback)
Uploads data for the given asset to CHS from the given source, taking a CancellationToken to allow cancelling the request.
- Parameters
AssetCollection – AssetCollection : collection the asset is associated to
Asset – Asset : asset to upload data for
AssetDataSource – AssetDataSource : asset data to upload AssetDataSource is an interface. A derived class must be passed.
CancellationToken – csp::common::CancellationToken : token for cancelling upload
Callback – UriResultCallback : callback when asynchronous task finishes
void DownloadAssetData(const Asset &Asset, AssetDataResultCallback Callback)
Downloads data for a given Asset from CHS.
- Parameters
Asset – Asset : asset to download data for
Callback – DataResultCallback : callback when asynchronous task finishes
void DownloadAssetDataEx(const Asset &Asset, csp::common::CancellationToken &CancellationToken, AssetDataResultCallback Callback)
Downloads data for a given Asset from CHS, taking a CancellationToken to allow cancelling the request.
- Parameters
Asset – Asset : asset to download data for
CancellationToken – csp::common::CancellationToken : token for cancelling download
Callback – AssetDataResultCallback : callback when asynchronous task finishes
void GetAssetDataSize(const Asset &Asset, UInt64ResultCallback Callback)
Get the size of the data associated with an Asset.
- Parameters
Asset – Asset : asset to get data size for
Callback – UInt64ResultCallback : callback when asynchronous task finishes
void GetLODChain(const AssetCollection &AssetCollection, LODChainResultCallback Callback)
Gets a LOD chain within the given AssetCollection.
- Parameters
AssetCollection – AssetCollection : AssetCollection which contains the LOD chain.
Callback – LODChainResultCallback : callback when asynchronous task finishes
void RegisterAssetToLODChain(const AssetCollection &AssetCollection, const Asset &Asset, int LODLevel, AssetResultCallback Callback)
Registers an asset to the LOD chain.
- Parameters
AssetCollection – AssetCollection : AssetCollection which contains the LOD chain.
Asset – int : LOD level for Asset to be registered to
Callback – AssetResultCallback : callback when asynchronous task finishes
void CreateMaterial(const csp::common::String &Name, const csp::common::String &SpaceId, GLTFMaterialResultCallback Callback)
Creates a new material backed by an AssetCollection/Asset.
- Parameters
Name – const csp::common::String& : The name of the new material.
SpaceId – const csp::common::String& : The space id this material is associated with.
Callback – GLTFMaterialResultCallback : Callback when asynchronous task finishes.
void UpdateMaterial(const GLTFMaterial &Material, NullResultCallback Callback)
Updates an existing material’s properties.
The material should be retrieved through GetMaterials or GetMaterial. If the material doesn’t exist, EResultCode::Failed will be returned. If the material hasn’t changed, EResultCode::Success will still be returned.
- Parameters
Material – const GLTFMaterial& : The material to update
Callback – NullResultCallback : Callback when asynchronous task finishes.
void DeleteMaterial(const GLTFMaterial &Material, NullResultCallback Callback)
Deletes a given material.
The material should be retrieved through GetMaterials or GetMaterial.
- Parameters
Material – const GLTFMaterial& : The material to delete
Callback – NullResultCallback : Callback when asynchronous task finishes.
void GetMaterials(const csp::common::String &SpaceId, GLTFMaterialsResultCallback Callback)
Gets all materials associated with the given space.
- Parameters
SpaceId – const csp::common::String& : The space id the material is associated with.
Callback – GLTFMaterialsResultCallback : Callback when asynchronous task finishes.
void GetMaterial(const csp::common::String &AssetCollectionId, const csp::common::String &AssetId, GLTFMaterialResultCallback Callback)
Gets a material using its AssetCollection and Asset Id.
- Parameters
AssetCollectionId – const csp::common::String& : The asset collection id this material is associated with.
AssetId – const csp::common::String& : The asset id this material is associated with.
Callback – GLTFMaterialResultCallback : Callback when asynchronous task finishes.
void SetAssetDetailBlobChangedCallback(AssetDetailBlobChangedCallbackHandler Callback)
Sets a callback for an asset changed event.
- Parameters
Callback – AssetDetailBlobChangedCallbackHandler: Callback to receive data for the asset that has been changed.
void SetMaterialChangedCallback(MaterialChangedCallbackHandler Callback)
Sets a callback for a material changed event.
- Parameters
Callback – MaterialChangedCallbackHandler: Callback to receive data for the material that has been changed.
virtual void RegisterSystemCallback() override
Registers the system to listen for the named event.
virtual void DeregisterSystemCallback() override
Deregisters the system from listening for the named event.
virtual void OnEvent(const std::vector<signalr::value> &EventValues) override
Deserialises the event values of the system.
- Parameters
EventValues – std::vector<signalr::value> : event values to deserialise
typedef std::function<void(const csp::multiplayer::AssetDetailBlobParams&)> AssetDetailBlobChangedCallbackHandler