Class ConversationSystem

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class ConversationSystem : public csp::systems::SystemBase

Public facing system that can handle conversations taking place between users of a space in the form of thread messages.

Asynchronous Calls

These are methods that perform WebClient calls and therefore operate asynchronously and require a callback to be passed for a completion result

void CreateConversation(const csp::common::String &Message, csp::systems::StringResultCallback Callback)

Creates a new conversation with the initial message and provides the conversation ID to the given callback.

  • Messagecsp::common::String : The message to be stored.

  • Callback – StringResultCallback : Callback when asynchronous task finishes

void AddMessageToConversation(const csp::common::String &ConversationId, const csp::common::String &SenderDisplayName, const csp::common::String &Message, MessageResultCallback Callback)

Adds a message to a brand new conversation or to an already existing one.

Make sure that the user has entered a space through SpaceSystem::EnterSpace() before calling this. Sends a network event acknowledgement that can be listened for called “ConversationSystem” containing: {ConversationSystemParams of type ReplicatedType : ConversationMessageType::NewMessage, ConversationId of type ReplicatedType : String}.

  • ConversationIdcsp::common::String : A new message will be linked to the provided conversation id.

  • SenderDisplayNamecsp::common::String : The display name of the message sender.

  • Messagecsp::common::String : The message to be stored.

  • Callback – MessageResultCallback : Callback when asynchronous task finishes.

void GetMessagesFromConversation(const csp::common::String &ConversationId, const csp::common::Optional<int> &ResultsSkipNumber, const csp::common::Optional<int> &ResultsMaxNumber, MessageCollectionResultCallback Callback)

Retrieves messages that are linked to the provided Conversation ID.

  • ConversationIdcsp::common::String : Conversation ID.

  • ResultsSkipNumber – Optional<int> : Optional parameter representing the number of result entries that will be skipped from the result. For no skip pass nullptr.

  • ResultsMaxNumber – Optional<int> : Optional parameter representing the maximum number of result entries to be retrieved. For all available result entries pass nullptr.

  • Callback – MessageCollectionResultCallback : Callback when asynchronous task finishes.

void GetConversationInformation(const csp::common::String &ConversationId, ConversationResultCallback Callback)

Retrieves the conversation information.

  • ConversationIdcsp::common::String : Conversation ID.

  • Callback – ConversationResultCallback : Callback when asynchronous task finishes.

void SetConversationInformation(const csp::common::String &ConversationId, const ConversationInfo &ConversationData, ConversationResultCallback Callback)

Sets the conversation information.

  • ConversationIdcsp::common::String : Conversation ID.

  • ConversationDataConversationInfo : Conversation Data.

  • Callback – ConversationResultCallback : Callback when asynchronous task finishes.

void GetMessage(const csp::common::String &MessageId, MessageResultCallback Callback)

Retrieves one particular message.

  • MessageIdcsp::common::String : ID of the message to be retrieved.

  • Callback – MessageResultCallback : Callback when asynchronous task finishes.

void SetMessageInformation(const csp::common::String &MessageId, const MessageInfo &MessageData, MessageResultCallback Callback)

Sets the message information.

  • MessageIdcsp::common::String : ID of the message to be retrieved.

  • MessageDataMessageInfo : Message Data.

  • Callback – MessageResultCallback : Callback when asynchronous task finishes.

void GetMessageInformation(const csp::common::String &MessageId, MessageResultCallback Callback)

Retrieves the message information.

  • MessageIdcsp::common::String : Message ID.

  • Callback – MessageResultCallback : Callback when asynchronous task finishes.

void DeleteConversation(const csp::common::String &ConversationId, csp::systems::NullResultCallback Callback)

Deletes all the messages that are part of the conversation.

Sends a network event acknowledgement that can be listened for called “ConversationSystem” containing: {ConversationSystemParams of type ReplicatedType : ConversationMessageType::DeleteConversation, ConversationId of type ReplicatedType : String}.

  • ConversationIdcsp::common::String : ID of the conversation that will be deleted. After this operation finishes successful this ID will not be valid anymore.

  • Callback – NullResultCallback : Callback when asynchronous task finishes.

void DeleteMessage(const csp::common::String &MessageId, csp::systems::NullResultCallback Callback)

Deletes a particular message.

Sends a network event acknowledgement that can be listened for called “ConversationSystem” containing: { ConversationSystemParams of type ReplicatedType : ConversationMessageType::DeleteMessage, MessageId of type ReplicatedType : String }.

  • MessageIdcsp::common::String : ID of the message that will be deleted.

  • Callback – NullResultCallback : Callback when asynchronous task finishes.

Public Types

typedef std::function<void(const csp::multiplayer::ConversationSystemParams&)> ConversationSystemCallbackHandler

Public Functions

ConversationSystem(MultiplayerConnection *InMultiPlayerConnection)

Constructs a conversation system instance that uses the given multiplayer connection.


InMultiPlayerConnectionMultiplayerConnection : The connection to be used.

void SetConnection(csp::multiplayer::SignalRConnection *InConnection)

Sets a local pointer to the connection for communication with the endpoints, this should be called as early as possible.

Note that this is already called in MultiplayerConnection::Connect, so this shouldn’t need to be called anywhere else. This should not be called by client code directly, marked as No Export.


InConnection – csp::multiplayer::SignalRConnection : The connection to be used by the conversation system.

void SetConversationSystemCallback(ConversationSystemCallbackHandler Callback)

Sets a callback for a conversation new message event.


Callback – ConversationMessageCallbackHandler: Callback to receive ConversationSystem Data when a message is sent. Callback will have to reset the callback passed to the system to avoid “dangling objects” after use.

virtual void RegisterSystemCallback() override

Registers the system to listen for the named event.

virtual void DeregisterSystemCallback() override

Deregisters the system from listening for the named event.

virtual void OnEvent(const std::vector<signalr::value> &EventValues) override

Deserialises the event values of the system.


EventValues – std::vector<signalr::value> : event values to deserialise