Class IThirdPartyComponentRef

Inheritance Relationships

Derived Types

Class Documentation

class IThirdPartyComponentRef

Controls access to a third party component reference.

To enable developers to author CSP powered applications using the native features of their platform of choice, we need to be able to map their platform component definition to the CSP component.

Subclassed by csp::multiplayer::AnimatedModelSpaceComponent, csp::multiplayer::AudioSpaceComponent, csp::multiplayer::CinematicCameraSpaceComponent, csp::multiplayer::CollisionSpaceComponent, csp::multiplayer::FogSpaceComponent, csp::multiplayer::LightSpaceComponent, csp::multiplayer::ReflectionSpaceComponent, csp::multiplayer::StaticModelSpaceComponent

Public Functions

virtual const csp::common::String &GetThirdPartyComponentRef() const = 0

Returns the third party component reference.


The third party component reference.

virtual void SetThirdPartyComponentRef(const csp::common::String &InValue) = 0

Sets the third party component reference.


InValue – The third party component reference.

Protected Functions

virtual ~IThirdPartyComponentRef() = default