Class LogSystem

Class Documentation

class LogSystem

A Connected Spaces Platform level Logger for debugging or printing to console, also handles logging to a file.

Contains a callback system that allows clients to react to specific logs or events.

Public Types

typedef std::function<void(const csp::common::String&)> LogCallbackHandler
typedef std::function<void(const csp::common::String&)> EventCallbackHandler
typedef std::function<void(const csp::common::String&)> BeginMarkerCallbackHandler
typedef std::function<void(void*)> EndMarkerCallbackHandler

Public Functions

void SetLogCallback(LogCallbackHandler InLogCallback)

Set a callback for handling a log.

Can be used to debug Connected Spaces Platform within a client application.


InLogCallback – The callback to execute when a log occurs.

void SetEventCallback(EventCallbackHandler InEventCallback)

Set a callback for handling an event log.

Can be used to debug Connected Spaces Platform within a client application.


InEventCallback – The callback to execute when an event log occurs.

void SetBeginMarkerCallback(BeginMarkerCallbackHandler InBeginCallback)

Set a callback for handling a begin marker event.

Can be used to debug Connected Spaces Platform within a client application.


InBeginCallback – The callback to execute when the marker begins.

void SetEndMarkerCallback(EndMarkerCallbackHandler InEndCallback)

Set a callback for handling an end marker event.

Can be used to debug Connected Spaces Platform within a client application.


InEndCallback – The callback to execute when the marker ends.

void SetSystemLevel(const csp::systems::LogLevel InSystemLevel)

Set the verbosity of logging for a system-wide level.


InSystemLevel – The level to set the system logging to.

csp::systems::LogLevel GetSystemLevel()

Retreive the log verbosity level.

bool LoggingEnabled(const csp::systems::LogLevel Level)

Check if we currently log a specified log verbosity level.


Level – The level to check.

void LogMsg(const csp::systems::LogLevel Level, const csp::common::String &InMessage)

Log a message at a specific verbosity level.

  • Level – The level to log this message at.

  • InMessage – The message to be logged.

void LogEvent(const csp::common::String &InEvent)

Log an event.


InEvent – The event to be logged.

void BeginMarker(const csp::common::String &InMarker)

Specify a ‘Marker’ event which can be used to communicate a certain process occurring, usually for debugging.

void EndMarker()

End a ‘Marker’ event.

void ClearAllCallbacks()

Clears all logging callbacks.